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Review of Ukrainian legislation for 31/10/2024

Digest of Legislative Acts

Digest of Legislative Acts of Ukraine

Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated October 29, 2024, No. 1057-r

This order provides for the transfer of buildings and structures located at the address: 16 Blahovisna Street, Zhashkiv, to the ownership of the Zhashkiv City Territorial Community. The real estate objects are situated on a land plot with an area of 0.0656 hectares.

Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated October 29, 2024

This order provides for the transfer of a DAEWOO Nubira vehicle, manufactured in 1999, into the ownership of the Dobropillia City Territorial Community. The vehicle’s chassis number is KLAJF696EXK289528.

Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated October 25, 2024

Amendments have been made to the Procedure for the Use of Funds provided in the State Budget for measures in the field of protection of the national information space, with a focus on new terminology and clarification of measures.
The maximum amount of insurance premiums for insuring future sugar beet crops with state support has been approved, with maximum rates up to 7.3% and a new structure of premiums.
A new Regulation on National Screen Time has been approved, which defines the quota for the demonstration of national films in cinemas, imposing an obligation to comply with established norms.
Two previous resolutions regulating the issues of state registration of marriage under martial law have been declared invalid.
The resolution dated October 31, 2018, which established criteria for risk assessment in the field of electronic trust services, has been revoked.
Amendments have been made to the procedure for granting one-time monetary assistance to employees of critical infrastructure facilities affected by the conflict, clarifying the conditions for the allocation of assistance.
Changes have been made to the criteria for assessing the degree of risk from economic activities in the field of environmental protection, expanding the list of risk indicators.
The powers of an independent member of the Council of the Agricultural Credit Partial Guarantee Fund have been prematurely terminated.
The transfer of buildings to the ownership of the Smilyanska City Territorial Community, located at: 102 Soborna Street, Smila, has been provided for.
A draft letter to the OECD has been approved with the aim of submitting a request for Ukraine’s accession to the Committee on Regional Development Policy.
The industrial park “Techno Park Voznesensk” has been included in the Register of Industrial Parks, with a functioning period of 30 years.
The settlement of Vesnyanka has been classified as a village based on the administrative-territorial structure.
The procedure for assigning professional qualifications by higher education institutions in the absence of professional standards is regulated, defining the criteria and procedures for approval.
Amendments have been made to the allocation of funds from the fund for the elimination of the consequences of armed aggression, adjusting the volumes of subventions for different regions.
The procedure for calculating the share of unreceived funds from the export of goods has been approved, with a mechanism for electronic interaction between state authorities.

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated October 22, 2024, No. 1217

Amendments have been made to the procedure for organizing and maintaining military accounting, specifying the procedures for the administrative detention of conscripts based on electronic applications.

Order of the Ministry for Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine

Amendments have been made to the list of territories where combat operations are ongoing; certain codes have been replaced, and information about communities has been clarified. The order takes effect upon publication.

Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine dated September 09, 2024, No. 431

The appendices to the Property Tax Declaration form have been amended, clarifying the codes and revisions of the columns.

Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated September 6, 2024

Amendments have been made to the Regulation on the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine to improve management functions and enhance the readiness of the Armed Forces.

Review of each of legal acts published today:

On the Accounting Price of Bank Metals
The National Bank of Ukraine has published the accounting price of bank metals as of October 30, 2024. According to the announcement, the accounting price for gold is 113,825.07 UAH per troy ounce, for silver it is 1,410.74 UAH, for platinum it is 43,302.72 UAH, and for palladium it is 51,066.40 UAH. It is important to note that these prices do not obligate the National Bank of Ukraine to buy or sell these metals at the specified rates.

On the Official Exchange Rate of the Hryvnia Against Foreign Currencies
On October 30, 2024, the National Bank of Ukraine published the official exchange rate of the hryvnia against foreign currencies. The document lists the rates for various currencies, including: 1 US dollar equals 41.3798 UAH, 1 euro equals 44.6074 UAH, and 1 British pound equals 53.7151 UAH. The currency rates are used for accounting and other operations, but the NBU is not obliged to buy or sell currencies at these rates.

On the Transfer of Real Estate to the Ownership of the Zhashkiv City Territorial Community of the Uman District of Cherkasy Region

Description of the Order

The Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated October 29, 2024, No. 1057-r provides for the transfer of buildings and structures located at the address: 16 Blahovistna Street, Zhashkiv, to the ownership of the Zhashkiv City Territorial Community. The specified real estate is situated on a land plot of 0.0656 hectares with the cadastral number 7120910100:01:001:1068.

On the Transfer of Individually Defined Property to the Ownership of the Dobropillia City Territorial Community of the Pokrovsk District of Donetsk Region
The Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated October 29, 2024, provides for the transfer of a DAEWOO Nubira car, manufactured in 1999, to the ownership of the Dobropillia City Territorial Community of the Pokrovsk District of Donetsk Region. The vehicle identification number is KLAJF696EXK289528.

On the Appointment of Maryana Olexandrivna Bets as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine
The Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated October 29, 2024, No. 1055-r concerns the appointment of Maryana Olexandrivna Bets to the position of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

On Granting Consent to the Dismissal of Andriy Kostin from the Position of Attorney General by the President of Ukraine
The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted a resolution granting consent to the dismissal of Andriy Kostin by the President of Ukraine from the position of Attorney General. This decision was made in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine, specifically based on paragraph 25 of part one of Article 85 and part three of Article 131-1.

On Amendments to the Procedure for the Use of Funds Allocated in the State Budget for Measures in the Field of Protection of the National Information Space

Description of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Resolution

The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated October 25, 2024, amends the Procedure for the Use of Funds Allocated in the State Budget for Measures in the Field of Protection of the National Information Space. The main changes relate to terminology: the term “media” is used instead of “mass media,” as well as clarifications regarding post-production, storage, and an expanded list of activities, which include conferences, seminars, training sessions, and forums. Additionally, the wording regarding the opening and closing of accounts is changed.

On Approving the Maximum Size, Structure, and Procedure for the Application of Insurance Rates for Insuring Future Sugar Beet Yields with State Support Against Agricultural Insurance Risks
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine’s resolution dated October 25, 2024, approves the maximum size of insurance rates, the structure, and the procedure for their application for insuring future sugar beet yields with state support. The document specifies that insurance rates will vary depending on the administrative-territorial unit, with maximum rates up to 7.3%. The insurance rate structure consists of a net rate that includes risk assessment and a load covering the insurer’s costs, with a maximum expense share of up to 30%. The rate is uniform for all insured plots within one region. The amount of the insurance premium is determined by multiplying the insured amount by the insurance rate, and the price per unit of future yield is agreed upon by the parties, not exceeding the average selling price of sugar beets for the previous year.

On Certain Issues of Screening National Films and Other Films Produced by Subjects of Ukrainian Cinematography and Works of National Cinematic Heritage
This resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine regulates the screening of national films and other films produced by Ukrainian filmmakers. It approves a new Regulation on National Screen Time, which establishes a quota for the screening of such films in cinemas and other establishments. The main provisions include the obligation for film exhibitors who are not audiovisual media subjects to comply with the established national screen time quota, to submit reports on its use to local film management authorities, and to have oversight of this process by the State Agency for Cinema. Responsibility for compliance with the quota and the accuracy of reporting is placed on the exhibitors, emphasizing the importance of supporting the national cinema in Ukraine.

On Annulment of the Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated March 7, 2022, No. 213 and September 2, 2022, No. 989
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted a resolution on October 25, 2024, No. 1226, which recognizes as void two previous resolutions: dated March 7, 2022, No. 213, which regulated issues of state registration of marriage under martial law, and dated September 2, 2022, No. 989, which amended this resolution.

On Annulment of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Resolution dated October 31, 2018, No. 914
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted a resolution that annulled the previous resolution dated October 31, 2018, which approved the criteria for risk assessment in the field of electronic trust services and established the frequency of state supervision over these services. Thus, the validity of the old resolution is no longer in effect.

On Amendments to the Procedure for the Appointment and Payment of One-Time Financial Assistance for Damage to Life and Health Inflicted on Employees of Critical Infrastructure Facilities, State Officials, and Local Government Officials Due to the Military Aggression of the Russian Federation Against Ukraine
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted a resolution that amends the procedure for providing one-time financial assistance to employees of critical infrastructure facilities, state officials, and local government officials who suffered as a result of military aggression by Russia. The main changes relate to clarifying the conditions for granting assistance, specifically, the right to payment arises from the moment disability or death occurs while performing official duties in designated combat zones. It is also stipulated that critical infrastructure facilities that have suffered damage must be included in the relevant register to receive assistance.

On Amendments to the Criteria for Assessing the Degree of Risk from Business Activities and Determining the Frequency of Planned State Supervision (Control) Measures in the Field of Environmental Protection, Rational Use, Reproduction, and Conservation of Natural Resources by the State Environmental Inspection
The resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated October 25, 2024, amends the criteria for assessing the degree of risk from business activities and determining the frequency of state supervision in the field of environmental protection. The main changes relate to clarifying the term “planned activities” and updating the appendices, which contain new risk criteria associated with negative environmental impacts. In particular, the list of criteria has been expanded.of Ukraine regarding the compliance of the law with the Constitution.

The resolution of the Second Senate of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine on the closure of constitutional proceedings in the case of the constitutional complaint of Viktor Ivanovych Koshevoi regarding the compliance of the law with the Constitution was adopted on October 25, 2024. This decision is based on the grounds that the issues raised in the complaint do not fall within the jurisdiction of the Constitutional Court, as they pertain to the interpretation of laws rather than their constitutionality. The Court emphasized that it is not within its authority to assess the legislative acts in question, as the matter requires a legislative resolution.

The resolution takes effect from the date of publication and is final and not subject to appeal.**Constitutional Proceedings of Ukraine (Constitutionality) Regarding Article 90 of the Law of Ukraine “On Civil Service” dated December 10, 2015, No. 889-VIII**

The Second Senate of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine has decided to terminate the constitutional proceedings in the case concerning the complaint of Koshovyi Viktor Ivanovych regarding the compliance of Article 90 of the Law of Ukraine “On Civil Service” with the Constitution of Ukraine. The complaint was related to the pension provision for civil servants regulated by the mentioned law in connection with the provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On Mandatory State Pension Insurance.”

The Senate concluded that Koshovyi did not provide sufficient arguments to substantiate the violation of his rights to social protection guaranteed by the Constitution as a result of the application of the contested provision. According to the law, if the constitutional complaint is deemed inadmissible, the proceedings are terminated, which was done in this case. The ruling is final and not subject to appeal.

**Analysis of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated October 22, 2024, No. 1217**

**General Provisions**
Resolution No. 1217 introduces amendments to the Procedure for organizing and maintaining military registration of conscripts, military personnel, and reservists, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated December 30, 2022, No. 1487.

**Amendments to the Procedure**
**1. Amendments to the third paragraph of point 56**
The third paragraph of point 56 is amended as follows:
> “Upon request of the district (city) territorial centers for recruitment and social support, the Security Service of Ukraine, and intelligence agencies (which must include the surname, first name, patronymic (if any), address of the declared/registered place of residence (stay), date of birth, other data (if any) provided for in Article 7 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Unified State Register of Conscripts, Military Personnel, and Reservists,” the basis (violations by conscripts, military personnel, reservists of military registration rules; violations of legislation on defense, mobilization training, and mobilization), unique outgoing number, and the qualified electronic signature of the authorized person), sent in the form of a data set through electronic information interaction between the Unified State Register of Conscripts, Military Personnel, and Reservists and the unified information system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, carries out the administrative detention and delivery of conscripts, military personnel, and reservists who committed administrative offenses provided for in Articles 210, 210-1 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses to the nearest district (city) territorial center for recruitment and social support, and the Security Service of Ukraine. In case of lack of technical capability to transfer data, such requests are sent in paper form (Appendix 20);”.

This provision details the procedure for the administrative detention and delivery of individuals who violated military registration rules or defense legislation based on electronic or paper requests from the relevant authorities.

**2. Amendments to point 79**
**2.1 Replacement of text in the sixteenth paragraph**
In the sixteenth paragraph of point 79, the words and figures “(Appendix 20)” are replaced with “taking into account the requirements of the third paragraph of point 56 of this Procedure.”

**2.2 Addition of a new paragraph to point 79**
After the sixteenth paragraph, a new paragraph is added with the content:
> “inform the National Police about the absence of grounds for administrative detention and delivery of conscripts, military personnel, and reservists, regarding whom a request was sent in accordance with the requirements of the third paragraph of point 56 of this Procedure. Such notification must include the surname, first name, patronymic (if any), address of the declared/registered place of residence (stay), date of birth, other data (if any), as well as the unique outgoing number and the qualified electronic signature of the authorized person;”.

This paragraph establishes the obligation to notify the National Police about cases where there are no grounds for the administrative detention of individuals who were the subject of requests according to point 56.

**3. Numbering of paragraphs**
As a result of the amendments, paragraphs seventeen to twenty-five of point 79 are renumbered respectively to paragraphs eighteen to twenty-six.

The changes introduced by Resolution No. 1217 detail and clarify the procedures for the administrative detention and delivery of military personnel, as well as establish the obligation to notify the National Police in cases where there are no grounds for detention. This facilitates improved information exchange between relevant state structures and ensures more effective control over compliance with military registration rules.

**Consideration of Remarks Expressed by the State Registration Authority Regarding the Order of the Ministry for Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine dated October 14, 2024, No. 360**
The Order of the Ministry for Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine No. 378 dated October 18, 2024, amends the list of territories where hostilities are ongoing or which are temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation. In particular, in subparagraph 3 of point 2 of the Amendments, the code “44100050060052037” is replaced with “UA44100050060052037.” The order also stipulates that it must be registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine and comes into effect from the day of its official publication.

**Approval of Amendments to the List of Territories Where Hostilities Are Ongoing (Have Been Ongoing) or Temporarily Occupied by the Russian Federation**
The Order of the Ministry for Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine dated October 14, 2024, No. 360 approves the amendments to the List of Territories Where Hostilities Are Ongoing (Have Been Ongoing) or Temporarily Occupied by the Russian Federation. This document includes new communities, clarifications regarding the dates of hostilities, and some changes to the identification codes of the territories. In particular, new entries regarding territorial communities are added to the list, and the dates reflecting the actual state of hostilities and occupation are modified. The order comes into effect from the moment of its official publication.

**Amendments to the Appendices of the Tax Declaration Form for Real Estate Other than Land**
The Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine dated September 9, 2024, No. 431 introduces amendments to the appendices of the Tax Declaration form for real estate other than land. In particular, columns in Appendices 1 and 2 are updated, specifically, the wording of column 2 in the section “Calculation of Tax Liability” is changed, and certain words are excluded from column 9. The type code of the object is also clarified according to the national classifier NK 018:2023. The order comes into effect from the moment of its official publication.

**Amendments to the Regulation on the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine**
The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated September 6, 2024, introduces amendments to the Regulation on the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. The main additions relate to:
– Approval of the strategy for attracting and developing human capital in the Armed Forces.
– Implementation of military-political management and decision-making processes.
– Establishment of requirements for military personnel and reservists.
– Organization of mobilization reserves and ensuring their execution.
– Control over mobilization readiness and the conclusion of contracts for the performance of mobilization tasks.
– Provision of medical services to military personnel, including NATO standards.
– Implementation of cybersecurity and protection of critical infrastructure.

The changes are aimed at improving the management functions of the Ministry of Defense and enhancing the readiness of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

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