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[:uk]Review of Ukrainian legislation for 19/10/2024[:]


Digest of Legislative Acts

Digest of Legislative Acts

1. Official Exchange Rate of the Hryvnia and Prices for Banking Metals (National Bank of Ukraine)

The National Bank of Ukraine published the accounting prices for banking metals as of October 18, 2024. In particular, the accounting price of gold is 110,573.16 UAH per troy ounce, silver – 1,310.11 UAH, platinum – 41,557.15 UAH, and palladium – 42,771.93 UAH. The prices are stated without the obligation of the NBU to buy or sell metals at these prices.

2. Termination of International Treaties (Ministry of Justice of Ukraine)

The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine published information regarding the termination of two international treaties. The first treaty, concluded with the Russian Federation, will terminate on January 2, 2025, while the second, concerning the investigation of industrial accidents, will end on January 10, 2025.

3. Amendments to the Provision of Administrative Services (Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine)

The resolution of October 15, 2024, introduces changes to the regulation of administrative services. It clarifies the provisions regarding state registration of changes to information about legal entities, and removes a clause that contained certain requirements.

4. Inclusion of Cultural Heritage Objects in the Register (Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine)

The resolution of October 15, 2024, approved the inclusion of new cultural heritage objects in the State Register of Immovable Monuments of Ukraine. Architectural monuments from Vinnytsia were included, while some monuments were removed from the list of architectural monuments of the Ukrainian SSR.

5. Standard for Font Design (Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine)

The resolution of October 15, 2024, approved the Standard for Font Design of the text of regulatory legal acts for publication on websites. It defines requirements for font design, including the use of e-Ukraine fonts and parameters for text formatting.

6. Amendments to the Provision on the Ministry of Youth and Sports (Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine)

The resolution of October 15, 2024, introduces amendments to the Provision on the Ministry of Youth and Sports. New subclauses were added that define the role of the Ministry in ensuring the functioning of the information system “National Platform for Sports Integrity.”

7. Changes in Funding for the Heating Season (Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine)

The resolution of October 15, 2024, amended the amount of funds allocated from the reserve fund for the heating season in Kharkiv. The amount was reduced from 2,500,158.828 UAH to 2,442,818.564 UAH.

8. Transparency Register (Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine)

The resolution of October 15, 2024, approved the Provision on the Transparency Register, which is a system for collecting information about lobbying entities. The Register ensures free access to data and reporting of lobbying entities.

9. Amendments to the Procedure for the Use of Funds (Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine)

The resolution of October 15, 2024, introduces changes to the Procedure for the Use of Funds allocated for the enforcement of court decisions. In particular, it clarifies the term “under the budget program” and expands financial obligations regarding support for war veterans.

10. Procedure for Selecting Projects in the Field of Energy Conservation (Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine)

The resolution of October 15, 2024, approved a new procedure for selecting projects in the areas of alternative fuels and energy efficiency. Requirements for projects to be funded under a framework agreement with Denmark were specified.

11. Amendments to the Provision on the Licensing System (Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine)

The resolution of October 15, 2024, introduces changes to the Provision on the Licensing System, including the accounting of objects, electronic interaction between the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the State Tax Service, and data protection in the process.

12. Reduction of Passport Processing Times (Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine)

The resolution of October 15, 2024, shortened the processing times for passports of citizens of Ukraine from 10 to 7 working days. It also clarified the conditions for simultaneous processing of passports for traveling abroad.

13. Grants for Enterprises in the Processing Industry (Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine)

The resolution of October 15, 2024, introduces changes to the conditions for granting grants to enterprises in areas where combat operations are taking place. New requirements for interviews with applicants and criteria for evaluating applications were added.

14. Mutual Cancellation of Visa Requirements with Mauritius (Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine)

The resolution of October 15, 2024, approved the agreement between Ukraine and the Republic of Mauritius on the cancellation of visa requirements. This will allow citizens of both countries to travel without visas.

15. Changes to the Criteria for Selecting External Auditors (Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine)

Changes were made to the criteria for selecting external auditors for state banks. In particular, the requirements for the reputation of auditors included in the Register of Auditors were updated.

Review of each of legal acts published today:

**On the Accounting Price of Banking Metals**
The National Bank of Ukraine has published the accounting prices for banking metals as of October 18, 2024. In particular, the accounting price of gold is 110,573.16 hryvnias per troy ounce, silver – 1,310.11 hryvnias, platinum – 41,557.15 hryvnias, and palladium – 42,771.93 hryvnias. It is important to note that the prices are indicated without obligations for the National Bank to buy and sell these metals at the specified prices.

**On the Official Exchange Rate of Hryvnia Against Foreign Currencies**
On October 18, 2024, the National Bank of Ukraine published the official exchange rate of the hryvnia against foreign currencies. The document provides rates for 30 currencies, including the US dollar, euro, British pound, and others. The hryvnia exchange rate reflects the number of units of foreign currency needed to purchase one Ukrainian hryvnia. The specified rates are used for accounting, operations with the State Treasury Service of Ukraine, as well as in other cases defined by legislation, but without obligations for the NBU to buy or sell currencies at these rates.

**Information on the Termination of International Treaties**
The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine has published a notice regarding the termination of two international treaties. The first is the agreement between the State Committee of Ukraine for Nationalities and Migration and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, concluded on July 18, 2003, which will terminate on January 2, 2025. The second is the agreement on the procedure for investigating industrial accidents, concluded on December 9, 1994, which will conclude on January 10, 2025. Information about the termination of the treaties has been provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

**On the Dismissal of V. Halitsyna from the Position of Head of the Berdyansk City Military Administration of the Berdyansk District of Zaporizhzhia Region**
The decree of the President of Ukraine provides for the dismissal of Viktoriya Halitsyna from the position of Head of the Berdyansk City Military Administration of the Berdyansk District of Zaporizhzhia Region. The document was signed by the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky on October 16, 2024.

**On the Approval of the Candidacy of V. O. Protsenko for the Position of Chairman of the Board of the Open Joint Stock Company “Meridian” Named After S.P. Korolev**
The decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated October 15, 2024, No. 1008-r pertains to the approval of the candidacy of Vyacheslav Oleksandrovych Protsenko for the position of Chairman of the Board of the Open Joint Stock Company “Meridian” named after S.P. Korolev. The document confirms the official approval of this candidacy.

**On Amendments to the Appendix to the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Dated May 16, 2014, No. 523**
The decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated October 15, 2024, No. 1007-r introduces amendments to the appendix of the decree dated May 16, 2014, No. 523, which regulates the provision of administrative services through centers for the provision of administrative services. In particular, the provisions regarding the state registration of changes to the information about legal entities, including separate subdivisions of foreign legal entities, are clarified. Additionally, item 77, which contained certain requirements, is excluded.

**On the Inclusion of Cultural Heritage Sites of National Significance into the State Register of Immovable Monuments of Ukraine**
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted a resolution dated October 15, 2024, No. 1182, which provides for the inclusion of cultural heritage sites of national significance into the State Register of Immovable Monuments of Ukraine. According to the document, a number of architectural monuments located in Vinnytsia are included in the register, including the estate in Pyatnychany and the Jesuit Monastery. The resolution also excludes monuments from the list of architectural monuments of the Ukrainian SSR that are under state protection due to their transition to the State Register. This concerns, in particular, churches, cells, and other objects of historical significance.

**On the Approval of the Standard for Font Design of Legal Texts Used on the Websites of Law-Making Entities**
By the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated October 15, 2024, the Standard for Font Design of Legal Texts for placement on the websites of law-making entities has been approved. The Standard defines requirements for font design, in particular, e-Ukraine fonts are used in Regular and Light styles. Specific parameters for text design are established, such as font size, line spacing, highlighting of structural elements, and text alignment. The Standard applies to all law-making entities.

**On Amendments to Paragraph 4 of the Regulation on the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine**
The resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated October 15, 2024, introduces changes to paragraph 4 of the Regulation on the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine. In particular, it is supplemented by subparagraphs 48-19 and 48-20, which stipulate that the Ministry ensures the functioning of the information system “National Platform of Sports Integrity” and approves its provisions.

**On the Amendment to Paragraph 1 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Dated June 13, 2024, No. 695**
This resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated October 15, 2024, makes amendments to paragraph 1 of the previous resolution dated June 13, 2024, which concerns the allocation of funds from the reserve fund of the state budget to ensure the passing of the heating season 2024/25 in the city of Kharkiv and the Kharkiv region. Specifically, the document changes the allocated amount from 2,500,158.828 hryvnias to 2,442,818.564 hryvnias.

**On Certain Issues of the Creation and Functioning of the Transparency Register**
By the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated October 15, 2024, No. 1175, the Regulation on the Transparency Register is approved, which is an information and communication system for collecting and processing information about lobbying entities. The Register provides free public access to current data about lobbying entities and their reporting, managed by the National Agency for Prevention of Corruption.
Access to the Register is open, allowing for searching, viewing, and downloading documents. The Register will contain data in Ukrainian and English, and the information entered must comply with legislative requirements. Lobbying entities are required to provide information about themselves and to report on their activities within established deadlines.
The protection of the information in the Register is ensured in accordance with current legislation, particularly regarding the protection of personal data and electronic identification. The information contained in the Register is open, except for information with limited access, such as personal data that could be used to identify individuals.

**On Amendments to the Procedure for the Use of Funds Allocated in the State Budget to Ensure the Enforcement of Court Decisions**
на у власність Зміївської міської територіальної громади Чугуївського району Харківської області. Згідно з документом, передається нерухоме майно, що належало державі, для використання в інтересах громади. Це рішення має на меті покращення умов для жителів громади та забезпечення ефективного управління майном на місцевому рівні. Міністерству розвитку громад та територій доручено здійснити необхідні заходи для реалізації цього розпорядження.of the Zmiiv City Territorial Community. In particular, the buildings and structures located at: Pokrovska Street, 29, Zmiiv City, Chuhuiv District, Kharkiv Region are being transferred. This property is situated on a land plot of 0.0736 hectares with the cadastral number 6321710100:01:003:0046.

On the Regulation of Conflict of Interest
The Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated October 15, 2024, No. 1001-r regulates the conflict of interest arising for the Head of the National Agency for Prevention of Corruption, Viktor Pavlushchyk. It provides for the application of external control over his decisions regarding material assistance for rehabilitation. The Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine is appointed as the authorized person to conduct this control, which includes the verification of decisions related to the conflict of interest. Pavlushchyk is allowed to make decisions regarding material assistance only after agreement with the Minister.

On the Sale of the State Share in the Charter Capital of the Limited Liability Company “AEROK” at an Electronic Auction with Conditions
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted an order regulating the sale of the state share in the charter capital of LLC “AEROK” at an electronic auction. The starting price has been set at UAH 965.3 million. The sale conditions stipulate that buyers must comply with requirements regarding the preservation of the company’s activities, debt repayment, social guarantees for employees, and environmental standards. The sale of assets to individuals subject to sanctions is prohibited. The buyer’s obligations will last for five years.

On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated September 11, 2024, No. 1310
By the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated October 1, 2024, No. 1402, amendments were made to the previous order No. 1310 concerning the use of additional subsidies from the state budget to local budgets for creating safe conditions in educational institutions in de-occupied and temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. The changes include terminology corrections, text clarifications, formatting adjustments, and additions regarding compliance with regulatory acts. The oversight of the order’s implementation is assigned to the Deputy Minister.

On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated September 11, 2024, No. 1308
The Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated September 30, 2024, No. 1394 introduces changes to the previous order of September 11, 2024, No. 1308, which pertains to the use of additional subsidies from the state budget for local self-government bodies in de-occupied and temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine in 2024 for the purchase of school buses. The changes include terminology corrections, specifically replacing the word “features” with “Features” in headings and points, clarifying the wording in the preamble and main provisions, as well as corrections to references to regulatory legal acts. The order takes effect upon its official publication, and oversight of its implementation is assigned to the Deputy Minister.

On the Specifics of Using Additional Subsidies from the State Budget to Local Budgets for the Exercise of Powers by Local Self-Government Bodies in De-Occupied, Temporarily Occupied, and Other Territories of Ukraine Affected by the Negative Impact of the Full-Scale Armed Aggression of the Russian Federation, in 2024 for the Purchase of School Buses
The Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated September 11, 2024, No. 1308 regulates the use of additional subsidies from the state budget for local budgets in 2024, particularly for the procurement of school buses in de-occupied and temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine that have suffered from the armed aggression of Russia. The additional subsidy may be used solely for the purchase of school buses specifically equipped for transporting persons with reduced mobility. The distribution of subsidies among territorial communities is carried out by regional state administrations and military administrations, which may also centrally procure buses for educational institutions. The procurement of buses must occur according to established criteria, giving priority to institutions that educate individuals with special educational needs. It is essential that the buses be purchased by September 1, 2025, and reports on the use of the subsidies must be submitted to the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine.

On Approval of the Specifics of Using Additional Subsidies from the State Budget to Local Budgets for the Exercise of Powers by Local Self-Government Bodies in De-Occupied, Temporarily Occupied, and Other Territories of Ukraine Affected by the Negative Impact of the Full-Scale Armed Aggression of the Russian Federation, for 2024, for Creating Safe Conditions in Educational Institutions Providing Complete General Secondary Education
The Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated September 11, 2024, No. 1310 approves the specifics of using additional subsidies from the state budget for local budgets in 2024. This subsidy is intended for local self-government bodies in de-occupied and temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine affected by the aggression of the Russian Federation. The primary purpose of the subsidy is to create safe conditions in educational institutions that provide complete general secondary education. The additional subsidy may be used for the construction, reconstruction, and major repairs of protective structures, including shelters and safe havens. It is crucial to comply with all regulatory requirements, particularly regarding safety and accessibility for persons with reduced mobility. Furthermore, the order specifies the mechanism for monitoring the use of the subsidy, requirements for project and budgeting documentation, and reporting to the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Finance. All projects must be completed by September 1, 2025.

On Approval of the Instructions for the Application by Territorial Recruitment and Social Support Centers of Technical Devices and Technical Means with Photo and Video Recording Functions
The Order of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine regulates the application of technical means of photo and video recording by Territorial Recruitment and Social Support Centers (TRC and SP) during mobilization or the enforcement of martial law. It approves the Instructions that define the procedure for using portable video recorders, including accounting, storage, and issuance of video recordings. The main purpose of using these means is to document the actions of authorized representatives and to monitor compliance with military registration. Authorized persons must adhere to confidentiality requirements, and the disclosure of personal data is prohibited. Video recordings are stored on the server for 30 days, with the possibility of extending the period under certain circumstances. Oversight of their use is carried out by the responsible person of the TRC and SP, and access to recordings is granted only by written decision of the head.

On Approval of the Requirements for the Quality and Safety of Human Anatomical Materials and Amendments to the Conditions of Storage of Retrieved Human Anatomical Materials, Their Preparation for Transport, and Conditions of Transport of Retrieved Human Anatomical Materials
The Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated August 6, 2024, No. 1388 establishes new requirements for the quality and safety of human anatomical materials intended for transplantation. The primary objective of the document is to ensure high standards of safety and quality of anatomical materials retrieved from donors. In particular, the order sets out general and specific criteria to be adhered to during donor examinations, including laboratory tests and instrumental methods. Absolute and relative contraindications for the retrieval of anatomical materials are defined, as well as procedures for their storage and transportation. Amendments are made to existing storage conditions for anatomical materials, specifically regulating packaging conditions and temperature regimes that ensure the integrity and safety of materials during transportation. The order also repeals several previous acts that regulated these matters.

On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated July 2, 2021, No. 762
The Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated June 27, 2024, No. 927 introduces amendments to the previous order dated July 2, 2021, No. 762 concerning the accreditation of educational and professional…of programs. The main changes consist of the exclusion of the phrase regarding duplicate certificates and the adjustment of the structure of the order’s provisions. A new procedure for the registration, re-registration, and issuance of certificates has been approved, in particular, the procedure for verifying applications for the re-registration of certificates and the conditions for refusing their issuance have been clarified. The annexes to the order have also been updated, including new forms for applications and logs for recording the issuance of certificates.[:]

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