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[:uk]Review of Ukrainian legislation for 17/10/2024[:]


Legislative Digest

National Bank of Ukraine

The National Bank of Ukraine has published the accounting prices for banking metals as of October 16, 2024. The accounting price of gold is 109,100.20 hryvnias per troy ounce, silver – 1,282.00 hryvnias, platinum – 40,602.70 hryvnias, and palladium – 42,153.16 hryvnias. These prices do not obligate the National Bank to purchase or sell these metals at the specified rates.

Official Exchange Rate of Hryvnia

The National Bank of Ukraine has also published the official exchange rate of the hryvnia as of October 16, 2024, against foreign currencies. The document lists rates for 30 currencies, including the US dollar and the euro. The specified rates are used in accounting and transactions of the National Bank of Ukraine, without any obligation to buy or sell currencies at these rates.

Decree of the President of Ukraine

The decree of the President of Ukraine authorizes the Minister of Finance to sign a letter between Ukraine and the European Investment Bank regarding the revision of the financial agreement on enhancing the reliability of substations. A delegation is also formed for negotiations with the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development concerning the financing of projects for the reconstruction of Ukraine, with the right to amend the composition of the delegation.

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1162

The resolution regulates the restoration of critically important logistical infrastructure in Ukraine, directing the funds of the World Bank grant for the implementation of the project. The procedure for the use of budgetary funds has been approved, with the Ministry of Infrastructure designated as the main managing body and responsible executors. The resolution also establishes requirements for reporting and monitoring the use of funds.

Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 992-r

The order defines the procedure for evaluating the performance of civil servants in category “A” for the year 2024. It provides for the submission of reports, conducting evaluation interviews, and preparing proposals by December 6, 2024, when the National Agency for Civil Service will summarize the results.

Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

The Order for maintaining the Register of International Technical Assistance Projects has been approved, aimed at automating the attraction and use of international aid. The register includes an electronic cabinet, a database, and a web interface accessible around the clock. Amendments to the order regarding the form of submission of information for the registration of contracts with state enterprise managers have also been approved.

Ruling of the Second Senate of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine

On October 9, 2024, the Second Senate refused to open constitutional proceedings on the complaint regarding the restriction of the right to appeal the rulings of the investigative judge. The complaint was deemed inadmissible due to insufficient justification of the inconsistency with the norms of the Constitution.

Orders of the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

Amendments have been made to the Regulation on the conditions for storing documents of the National Archival Fund, as well as to the Procedure for forming personal files of police officers. The amendments include new documents for storage in personal files and clarification of the procedure for storing personal data.

On the Recognition of the Order as Invalid

The order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine recognizes the previous order dated December 20, 2002, as invalid. This decision requires ensuring the state registration of the new order and comes into effect from the day of its official publication.

Review of each of legal acts published today:

ійовича щодо відповідності Конституції України пункту 12 частини першої, частини третьої статті 309 Кримінального процесуального кодексу України. Суд зазначив, що подані матеріали не містять достатніх підстав для відкриття конституційного провадження, оскільки скарга не відповідає вимогам, встановленим законодавством. Відповідно до цього, рішення про відмову у відкритті провадження є остаточним і не підлягає оскарженню.Yiyovych, who challenged the constitutionality of paragraph 12 of part one and part three of Article 309 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine. The complaint concerned the restriction of the right to appeal rulings of the investigating judge regarding the conduct of special pre-trial investigations. Goldarb argued that these provisions of the Code violate the principle of equality of participants in the judicial process and the right to judicial protection. However, the court noted that the complaint did not contain adequate justification regarding the inconsistency of the specified norms with the Constitution, which became the basis for the refusal to initiate proceedings. Thus, the ruling of the Second Senate is final, and the constitutional complaint is deemed inadmissible.

On Amendments to the Regulations on the Conditions for Storing Documents of the National Archival Fund
By order of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine dated September 16, 2024, No. 2692/5, amendments have been made to the Regulations on the Conditions for Storing Documents of the National Archival Fund. In particular, in paragraphs 1 and 7 of Section IX, references to the old Procedure for Access to the Premises of State Archive Institutions have been replaced with the new Instruction on Organizing Visits, approved in August 2023. The order comes into effect the day after its official publication.

On Amendments to the Procedure for Forming and Maintaining Personal Files of Police Officers
By order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated September 10, 2024, No. 618, amendments have been made to the Procedure for Forming and Maintaining Personal Files of Police Officers. The main changes concern archival materials, which include new documents that must be stored in personal files, such as extracts from orders, materials of service investigations, documents regarding service records, and other important documents. The procedure for storing personal documents of police officers has also been clarified, and the disclosure of their personal data without proper grounds has been prohibited. The order comes into effect the day of its official publication.

On Declaring the Order of the Ministry of Ukraine for Emergency Situations and for the Protection of the Population from the Consequences of the Chernobyl Disaster, Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated December 20, 2002, No. 327/478, Invalid

Analysis of Order No. 602/1525 dated 09.03.2024

On Declaring the Order of the Ministry of Ukraine for Emergency Situations and for the Protection of the Population from the Consequences of the Chernobyl Disaster, Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated December 20, 2002, No. 327/478, Invalid

This order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine serves as a document that performs the function of denouncing a previous normative legal act. Its main purpose is to officially declare the order of the Ministry of Ukraine for Emergency Situations and for the Protection of the Population from the Consequences of the Chernobyl Disaster, issued by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on December 20, 2002, under No. 327/478, invalid.

Main Provisions of the Order:

  1. Declaration of the Order as Invalid:
    The first point of the order explicitly states that the order of the Ministry of Ukraine for Emergency Situations and for the Protection of the Population from the Consequences of the Chernobyl Disaster dated December 20, 2002, No. 327/478, has lost its validity. This means that its provisions no longer hold legal force and should not be applied.
  2. Ensuring State Registration:
    The second point of the order instructs the Department for Interaction with the State Emergency Service of Ukraine of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine to ensure the submission of this order for state registration to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in accordance with established procedures. This is necessary for the formal recognition of the order as an official state document.
  3. Effective Date:
    The third point establishes that the order comes into effect on the day of its official publication. This means that all changes specified in it take effect after publication in official sources, ensuring their legal enforcement.

Other Details:

  • The order was registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on September 13, 2024, under No. 1383/42728.
  • The signed orders were executed by representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, and were also agreed upon by the head of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine.

On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine dated February 8, 2017, No. 164
Amendments have been made to the order of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine dated February 8, 2017, No. 164, concerning the form of information submission for the registration of contracts with heads of state unitary enterprises and heads of executive bodies of economic societies where the state share exceeds 50%. In particular, the title has been specified, terms in the preamble and main text of the document have been changed. The form of information submission has also been modified, with certain columns and footnotes excluded. The order comes into effect on the day of its official publication.

On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated July 4, 2016, No. 596
By order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated August 5, 2024, amendments are made to the previous order from 2016 concerning the Regulations on the Unified Digital Departmental Telecommunications Network of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The main changes include:

  • Replacing the term “telecommunications” with “electronic communications” in the title and text of the document.
  • Clarifying definitions of terms such as “network gateway” and “service consumer”.
  • Updating requirements for the functioning of the electronic communications network, including management, monitoring, and quality control.
  • Defining new standards for fixed voice communication and electronic communications networks.
  • Changes in appendices relating to technical characteristics and requirements for equipment.

The order comes into effect upon its official publication.[:]

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