**Case No. 943/207/24 dated 23/10/2024**
The subject of the dispute is the **appeal of the verdict of the Busk District Court and the ruling of the Lviv Court of Appeal** regarding the criminal offense committed by INDIVIDUAL_7, as well as the civil claim against the Motor (Transport) Insurance Bureau of Ukraine.
The court, partially satisfying…
Analysis of the Draft Law:
Analysis of the Draft Law "On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine 'On Physical Culture and Sports' Regarding Adaptive Sports"
The draft law aims to improve the legal regulation of physical culture and sports in Ukraine by introducing the term "adaptive sports" and defining its meaning, as well as providing additional…
The analysis could not be performed.
Six bills have been registered:
6514-1/P Draft Resolution on the rejection of the draft Law of Ukraine on amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On Transport" regarding the establishment of the National Commission for State Regulation in the Field of Transport
Initiator: Member of Parliament of Ukraine
6514/P Draft Resolution on the rejection of the draft Law of…
Summary of Recent EU Legislations
Summary of Recent EU Legislations
Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2024/2795
This regulation amends Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 concerning prudential requirements for credit institutions, particularly focusing on the timeline for applying own funds requirements for market risk in line with the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB). It introduces a new…
Digest of Legislative Acts
Digest of Legislative Acts of Ukraine
Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated October 29, 2024, No. 1057-r
This order provides for the transfer of buildings and structures located at the address: 16 Blahovisna Street, Zhashkiv, to the ownership of the Zhashkiv City Territorial Community. The real estate objects are…
Analysis of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated October 22, 2024, No. 1217
Analysis of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated October 22, 2024, No. 1217
General Provisions
Resolution No. 1217 amends the Procedure for the Organization and Maintenance of Military Registration of Conscripts, Military Personnel, and Reservists,…