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Some Issues of Ensuring Improved Nutrition for Military Personnel during Treatment and Rehabilitation in Healthcare Facilities of All Forms of Ownership and Subordination

The resolution regulates the mechanism for ensuring improved nutrition for military personnel during treatment and rehabilitation in medical facilities of all forms of ownership. The document approves a standard compensation agreement for food expenses and establishes the procedure for such compensation. Structurally, the resolution consists of three main parts: 1) approval of a standard compensation agreement;…

On Amendments to the Procedure and Conditions for Providing Additional Subsidies from the State Budget to Local Budgets in 2024 for Exercising Local Self-Government Powers in Deoccupied, Temporarily Occupied, and Other Territories of Ukraine Affected by the Full-Scale Armed Aggression of the Russian Federation

Resolution Amending the Procedure for Providing Additional Subsidies from the State Budget to Local Budgets in Deoccupied, Occupied, and War-Affected Territories in 2024 The main purpose is to ensure additional financial support for local budgets, taking into account their actual execution. The document supplements the existing procedure with two new points. The first allows for additional…

On Amendments to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated July 4, 2017 No. 480

Resolution introduces amendments to the list of organizational and legal forms of non-residents related to taxation. The main essence of the changes is to simplify the name and clarify the legal grounds for applying the list. Structurally, the resolution consists of two main parts: 1) changes to the title and introductory part of the base…

On Amendments to the Specifics of Paying Additional Remuneration, Remuneration for Service (Training) Specifics during Martial Law (Special Period) and the Procedure and Conditions of Paying One-time Remuneration to National Guard of Ukraine Servicemembers

Order Amending the Procedure for Paying Additional Remuneration to National Guard of Ukraine Servicemembers during Martial Law The order introduces changes to the procedure for paying additional remuneration to servicemembers of the National Guard of Ukraine during martial law. The main essence of the changes is to expand the grounds for paying additional remuneration for service…

Separate Opinion (Concurring) of Judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Oleh Pervomaisky in the Case on the Constitutional Submission of the Supreme Court Regarding the Compliance with the Constitution of Ukraine (Constitutionality) of Part Four of Article 75 of the Family Code of Ukraine

Separate Opinion of the Constitutional Court Judge Pervomayskyi Regarding the Decision on the Unconstitutionality of Part 4 of Article 75 of the Family Code of Ukraine, which Defined the Criterion of Need for Material Assistance of One Spouse through the Subsistence Minimum Structurally, the document consists of several parts: description of the Constitutional Court's decision, analysis…

On Approval of the Regulation on the Register of Agricultural Notes

Regulations define the procedure for maintaining and administering the Agricultural Notes Registry, which is created to record and control operations with agricultural notes in Ukraine. The Central Securities Depository is the holder and administrator of the Registry. The Structure of the Regulations includes 9 sections that regulate: general provisions, registry maintenance procedure, interaction with other registries,…

RULING on Initiating Proceedings in an Exemplary Case Regarding the Recognition of Actions as Unlawful and Obligation to Perform Certain Actions [Note: This is a direct translation of the title, maintaining the legal terminology and structure typical of Ukrainian legal documents.]

The Supreme Court has opened proceedings in a model case regarding the legitimacy of terminating the monthly pension supplement (2000 UAH) and indexation for military pensioners after recalculating their pensions to execute court decisions. The resolution structurally consists of three main blocks: 1) description of case circumstances and plaintiff's claims; 2) substantiation of the case's…

On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine in Connection with the Adoption of the Law of Ukraine “On Administrative Procedure”

This Law introduces systemic changes to numerous legislative acts of Ukraine to align them with the new Law 'On Administrative Procedure'. The changes are aimed at unifying the procedures of interaction between citizens and businesses with government authorities. Structurally, the law consists of two parts: the first contains amendments to specific legislative acts, the second…

Law on Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Court Fees” in Connection with the Decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine dated May 13, 2024, No. 6-r(II)/2024 Regarding Ensuring the Principle of Mandatory Judicial Decision

Law amends the Law of Ukraine "On Court Fees" regarding cases where court fees are not charged and establishes court fee amounts for filing appellate and cassation appeals against court rulings. Structurally, the law consists of two main changes: the first relates to an expanded list of cases where court fees are not charged (19…

On the Decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine dated November 12, 2024 “On the Application of Personal Special Economic and Other Restrictive Measures (Sanctions)”

Decree Implementing the National Security and Defense Council Decision of November 12, 2024, Regarding the Application of Personal Sanctions against Certain Individuals or Organizations The decree structurally consists of three points: implementation of the National Security and Defense Council decision, determination of control over execution (assigned to the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council),…

On the Implementation of an Experimental Project to Improve the Mechanism of Military Personnel Movement between Military Units of the Armed Forces at Their Own Initiative

Resolution introduces a two-year experimental project that allows Armed Forces of Ukraine servicemembers to initiate their own transfer between military units through the "Army+" portal. The project will operate no longer than the period of martial law. The document consists of two parts: the resolution itself and the Project Implementation Procedure. The resolution defines the…

RESOLUTION On Amending Appendix 1 to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated March 5, 2024 No. 247

Resolution Amending the Distribution of Funds from the Fund for Liquidation of Consequences of Armed Aggression for Kharkiv Oblast. The document redistributes funds within the Kharkiv Oblast budget and adds new financing objects. Structurally, the resolution consists of two points and an annex with approved changes. The changes relate to specific subsidy amounts and add…

On Amendments to National Accounting Standard 21 “Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates”

Order Amending National Accounting Standard 21 Regarding Foreign Currency Transactions The order introduces changes to the National Accounting Standard (NAS) 21 concerning the reflection of foreign currency operations. The main essence of the changes relates to the procedure for converting currency transactions into reporting currency and clarifying definitions of monetary and non-monetary items. Structurally, the order…

On Approval of the Procedure for Procurement of Goods, Works, and Services for Defense Purposes Constituting State Secrets by the State Customer Service and Conclusion of State Contracts (Agreements) for Such Procurement during the Legal Regime of Martial Law

Order Defining the Procedure for Procurement of Defense-Purpose Goods, Works, and Services Constituting State Secrets by the State Enterprise "Ukrainian Center "Security"" as a Service of the State Customer of the Ministry of Strategic Industries under Martial Law The order determines the procedure for procurement of defense-purpose goods, works, and services that constitute state secrets by…

Some Issues of Providing Financial State Support to Enterprises Defined as Critically Important for Economic Functioning during a Special Period in the Defense-Industrial Complex

Resolution Approves Two Key Procedures for Providing Financial Support to Defense-Industrial Complex Enterprises through Credit Subsidization Mechanism. Support is provided to enterprises identified by the Ministry of Strategic Industries as critically important for economic functioning during a special period. Maximum loan amount is up to 500 million UAH for investment purposes and up to 100 million…

Ruling of the Second Senate of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine on Terminating Constitutional Proceedings in the Case of the Constitutional Complaint by Serhii Yevheniiovych Vashchenko Regarding the Compliance with the Constitution of Ukraine (Constitutionality) of Part Two of Article 21, Part One, Paragraph 2 of Part Two of Article 22, Part One of Article 1175 of the Civil Code of Ukraine

Constitutional Court of Ukraine reviewed the case based on the constitutional complaint of Judge S.Ye. Vashchenko regarding the constitutionality of provisions of the Civil Code of Ukraine on compensation for damage caused by illegal acts of authorities. Structurally, the ruling consists of two parts: 1) presentation of case circumstances and complainant's requirements; 2) Constitutional Court's…
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