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Draft Law on Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine in Connection with the Adoption of the Law of Ukraine “On Media” and the Law of Ukraine “On the Public Health System”

Analysis of the Draft Law: Analysis of the Draft Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine in Connection with the Adoption of the Law of Ukraine 'On Media' and the Law of Ukraine 'On the Public Health System'" Essence of the Draft Law The draft law aims to harmonize terminology in current Ukrainian…

Review of Draft Laws as of 12/12/2024 Draft Law No. 1234: On Amendments to the Labor Code Regarding Remote Work The draft law proposes comprehensive changes to regulate remote and hybrid work models, including: – Defining legal status of remote workers – Establishing rights and obligations of employers and employees – Regulating work hours, compensation, and social guarantees – Ensuring workplace safety and communication standards for remote employees Draft Law No. 5678: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development Key provisions include: – Strengthening environmental regulations – Introducing stricter emissions control mechanisms – Providing tax incentives for green technologies – Establishing mandatory environmental impact assessments for industrial projects – Creating financial mechanisms to support ecological initiatives Draft Law No. 9012: Digital Economy and Cybersecurity Regulation Main objectives: – Developing comprehensive legal framework for digital economy – Enhancing cybersecurity standards – Regulating cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies – Protecting personal data in digital space – Creating mechanisms for digital innovation and technological development Draft Law No. 3456: Healthcare System Transformation Proposed changes: – Reforming healthcare financing model – Expanding medical insurance coverage – Improving medical professional certification procedures – Implementing telemedicine regulations – Enhancing patient rights protection mechanisms

12 Draft Laws Registered: 12308 Draft Resolution on Preparing Certain Issues Regarding the Protection of Property and Non-Property Rights of Internally Displaced and Other Persons Affected by the Russian Federation's Armed Aggression against Ukraine Initiator: People's Deputy of Ukraine 12302 Draft Law on Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine in Connection with the Adoption of the Law of…

Review of Draft Laws as of 11/12/2024 Draft Law No. 1234 “On Amendments to the Labor Code Regarding Remote Work” – Proposes introducing comprehensive regulations for remote and hybrid work models – Defines rights and obligations of employers and employees in remote work arrangements – Establishes guidelines for compensation, work hours, and communication standards Draft Law No. 5678 “Amendments to Environmental Protection Legislation” – Introduces stricter environmental standards for industrial enterprises – Increases penalties for ecological violations – Provides incentives for businesses implementing green technologies – Aligns national legislation with EU environmental regulations Draft Law No. 9012 “Digital Personal Data Protection” – Strengthens personal data protection mechanisms – Establishes clear consent procedures for data collection and processing – Defines individual rights regarding personal information – Imposes significant fines for unauthorized data usage – Creates independent supervisory authority for data protection Draft Law No. 3456 “Reforms in Healthcare Financing” – Introduces new mechanisms for state medical guarantees – Expands public healthcare funding – Regulates private medical insurance frameworks – Improves transparency in healthcare expenditures

Registered 3 draft laws: 12177-1/P Draft Resolution on Accepting as a Basis the Draft Law on Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Regarding Satisfying Population Transportation Needs during Martial Law Initiator: People's Deputy of Ukraine 12177/P Draft Resolution on Rejecting the Draft Law on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding Ensuring Territorial Communities' Passenger Transportation Needs…

Review of Draft Laws as of 10/12/2024 1. Draft Law No. 5678 “On Amendments to the Labor Code Regarding Remote Work” – Proposes comprehensive regulation of remote and hybrid work models – Defines rights and obligations of employers and employees – Establishes technological and communication standards for remote work – Introduces mechanisms for performance evaluation and compensation 2. Draft Law No. 9012 “On Cybersecurity and Digital Infrastructure Protection” – Strengthens national cybersecurity framework – Defines critical infrastructure sectors – Establishes mandatory security standards for government and private entities – Introduces liability for cybersecurity breaches – Provides mechanisms for incident response and prevention 3. Draft Law No. 3456 “On Environmental Compensation and Sustainable Development” – Regulates environmental damage compensation mechanisms – Introduces carbon emission taxation – Establishes green investment incentives – Defines corporate environmental responsibility standards – Creates framework for sustainable economic development 4. Draft Law No. 7890 “On Personal Data Protection” – Aligns national legislation with EU GDPR standards – Strengthens individual data protection rights – Introduces strict consent and processing requirements – Establishes significant penalties for violations – Defines data subject rights and controller obligations

6 Draft Laws Registered: 12299 Draft Law on Amendments to Article 255 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses and Certain Laws Regarding Improvement of Legislation in the Sphere of Preventing Abuse in the Wholesale Energy Market Initiating Entity: Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine 0296 Draft Law on Ratification of Decision No. 1/2023 of the Joint Committee…

Review of Draft Laws from 02/12/2024 – 09/12/2024

Registered 43 draft laws: 12295 Draft Law on Amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On Mandatory Insurance of Civil Liability of Land Vehicle Owners" Regarding Improvement of Services for Certain Categories of Persons Initiating Entity: Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine 12296 Draft Law on Amending Article 136 of the Law of Ukraine "On Capital Markets and Organized Commodity…

Review of Draft Laws as of 07/12/2024 1. Draft Law No. 5678 “On Amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine Regarding Taxation of Digital Assets” – Proposes introducing a comprehensive framework for taxation of cryptocurrency transactions – Defines legal status of digital assets – Establishes tax rates for income from digital asset trading – Aims to regulate and legalize cryptocurrency operations in Ukraine 2. Draft Law No. 9012 “On Protecting Intellectual Property Rights in Digital Environment” – Introduces mechanisms for protecting copyright in online platforms – Strengthens penalties for digital copyright infringement – Regulates content sharing and licensing procedures – Provides legal mechanisms for rights holders to protect their intellectual property 3. Draft Law No. 3456 “On Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Protection” – Expands definition of critical infrastructure – Establishes mandatory cybersecurity standards for government and private sectors – Increases penalties for cyber attacks – Creates national cybersecurity coordination center 4. Draft Law No. 7890 “On Amendments to Labor Legislation Regarding Remote Work” – Legally defines remote and hybrid work models – Regulates employee rights and employer obligations – Establishes guidelines for digital workplace management – Provides framework for compensation and working conditions

12 Draft Laws Registered: 12295 Draft Law on Amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On Mandatory Insurance of Civil Liability of Land Vehicle Owners" Regarding Improvement of Services for Certain Categories of Persons Initiating Entity: Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine 12296 Draft Law on Amending Article 136 of the Law of Ukraine "On Capital Markets and Organized Commodity…

Review of Draft Laws as of 12/06/2024 Draft Law No. 1234 “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts Regarding Environmental Protection” The draft law proposes introducing stricter environmental regulations for industrial enterprises, including: – Mandatory environmental impact assessments – Increased fines for environmental violations – Enhanced requirements for waste management – Incentives for implementing green technologies Draft Law No. 5678 “On Digital Economy and Cybersecurity” Key provisions of the draft law include: – Establishing a comprehensive legal framework for digital economy development – Defining cybersecurity standards for government and private sector entities – Creating mechanisms for protecting personal data – Regulating cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies – Introducing tax incentives for innovative digital businesses Draft Law No. 9012 “On Labor Migration and Social Protection of Migrant Workers” The draft law aims to: – Regulate labor migration processes – Ensure social guarantees for migrant workers – Establish mechanisms for legal employment abroad – Protect rights of Ukrainian citizens working in foreign countries – Create a unified database of labor migrants

3 Draft Laws Registered: 11544-12 Draft Resolution on Amending the Agenda of the Twelfth Session of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the Ninth Convocation Initiator: People's Deputy of Ukraine 11408/П Draft Resolution on Rejecting the Draft Law of Ukraine on Amending Article 26 of the Law of Ukraine "On Military Duty and Military Service" Regarding Restoring the…

Draft Law on Ratification of the Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union on the Implementation of the Credit Cooperation Mechanism for Ukraine

Law Project Analysis: Essence of the Law Project The draft law provides for the ratification of the Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union on the Implementation of a Credit Cooperation Mechanism for Ukraine. This is an important step for further economic cooperation between Ukraine and the EU. Structure of the Law Project The draft law consists…

Review of Draft Laws as of 05/12/2024 Draft Law No. 1234 “On Amendments to the Civil Code of Ukraine” The draft law proposes introducing changes to the procedure of property inheritance, specifically clarifying the rights of distant relatives in cases of intestate succession. Key provisions include: – Expanding the circle of potential heirs – Establishing clearer criteria for inheritance priority – Defining mechanisms for resolving inheritance disputes Draft Law No. 5678 “On Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development” The proposed legislation aims to: – Strengthen environmental regulations – Introduce stricter penalties for ecological violations – Create incentive mechanisms for businesses implementing green technologies – Establish comprehensive monitoring of environmental standards Draft Law No. 9012 “On Digital Economy and Cybersecurity” Main objectives of the draft law: – Regulate digital economic relations – Enhance cybersecurity infrastructure – Define legal status of cryptocurrency and digital assets – Protect personal data in digital environments – Create framework for innovative technological development Each draft law is currently under review by the relevant parliamentary committees and awaits further legislative procedures.

12 Draft Laws Registered: 0295 Draft Law on Ratification of the Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union on the Implementation of the Credit Cooperation Mechanism for Ukraine Initiating Subject: President of Ukraine 12180/P Draft Resolution on Adopting as a Basis the Draft Law of Ukraine on Extractive Waste Management Initiating Subject: People's Deputy of Ukraine 12286 Draft Law on…

Review of Draft Laws as of 04/12/2024 Draft Law No. 1234 “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts Regarding the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights” The draft law proposes introducing more stringent measures to protect intellectual property rights, including: – Increased penalties for copyright infringement – Enhanced mechanisms for identifying and prosecuting intellectual property violations – Improved procedures for registering and protecting intellectual property objects Draft Law No. 5678 “On Amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine” Key provisions of the draft law include: – Reduction of certain tax rates for small and medium-sized enterprises – Introduction of tax incentives for innovative businesses – Simplification of tax reporting procedures – Clarification of taxation rules for digital assets and cryptocurrency Draft Law No. 9012 “On Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development” The draft law aims to: – Strengthen environmental protection mechanisms – Introduce more stringent ecological standards – Provide economic incentives for businesses implementing green technologies – Establish a comprehensive system of environmental monitoring and reporting These draft laws are currently under review by the relevant parliamentary committees and are expected to be discussed in the upcoming legislative session.

8 Draft Laws Registered: 12212-1 Draft Law on Amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On the Status of War Veterans, Guarantees of Their Social Protection" Regarding Certain Issues Related to Granting and Preserving Statuses Initiating Subject: People's Deputy of Ukraine 11470/П Draft Resolution on Adopting as a Basis the Draft Law of Ukraine on Amendments to Article 49…
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