No updates of law bills.
1 draft law has been updated:
12000 Draft Law on the State Budget of Ukraine for 2025
2024-11-09 - Draft Law
4 draft laws have been updated in terms of review stage:
12190 Draft Law on Amendments to the Criminal Code of Ukraine Regarding Liability for Disclosure of Confidential Information about a Deceased Person
2024-11-09 - Provided for review
12189 Draft…
5 Draft Laws Registered:
11139/П1 Draft Resolution on Adopting as a Basis the Draft Law on Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Regarding Improving State Property Management Efficiency, Enhancing Creditor Rights Protection Procedures, Mechanism for Seized Property Realization, and Approximating Legal Standards in Ukraine to European Standards
Initiating Subject: People's Deputy of Ukraine
12187 Draft Law on Amendments…
6 Draft Laws Registered:
12131/П Draft Resolution on Adopting as a Basis the Draft Law on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding Restoration of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification
Initiating Subject: People's Deputy of Ukraine
12178/П Draft Resolution on Adopting as a Basis the Draft Law on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine…
The analysis could not be performed.
Four bills have been registered:
12183 Draft Law on Amendments to Part One of Article 3 of the Law of Ukraine "On the High Council of Justice" (regarding the Unified Judicial Information and Communication System and/or provisions defining the functioning of its separate subsystems (modules))
Initiative Subject: Member of the Parliament of Ukraine
12124/P Draft Resolution on the…
No updates of law bills.
**Two bills have been registered:**
**12178** [Draft Law on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding the Implementation of Assessment of Daily Functioning of an Individual](
**Initiative Subject:** Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
**12177** [Draft Law on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine to Ensure the Needs of Territorial Communities in Passenger Transport during…
No updates of law bills.
**Registered 9 draft bills:**
**3927/P** [*Draft Resolution on rejecting the draft Law of Ukraine on the National Commission for State Regulation in the Transport Sector*](
**Initiator:** People's Deputy of Ukraine
**10044-d-P6** [*Draft Resolution on the cancellation of the decision of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the adoption in the second reading and as a whole…
154 bills registered:
12129-1 Draft Law on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding Vocational Training
Initiator: People’s Deputy of Ukraine
12171 Draft Law on Amendments to the Criminal Code of Ukraine Regarding Increasing Liability for Forgery, Distribution, or Use of Forged Documents Pertaining to Disability Status
Initiator: People’s Deputy of Ukraine
10044-д-П3 Draft Resolution on the Cancellation of…
Analysis of the Draft Law:
Analysis of the Draft Law "On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine 'On Physical Culture and Sports' Regarding Adaptive Sports"
The draft law aims to improve the legal regulation of physical culture and sports in Ukraine by introducing the term "adaptive sports" and defining its meaning, as well as providing additional…
The analysis could not be performed.
Six bills have been registered:
6514-1/P Draft Resolution on the rejection of the draft Law of Ukraine on amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On Transport" regarding the establishment of the National Commission for State Regulation in the Field of Transport
Initiator: Member of Parliament of Ukraine
6514/P Draft Resolution on the rejection of the draft Law of…
10 bills have been registered:
12054/P Draft Resolution on returning the draft law of Ukraine on amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On Physical Culture and Sports" regarding the determination of general principles for the implementation and administration of electronic information-analytical systems and services, electronic registers
Initiator: People's Deputy of Ukraine
11544-5 Draft Resolution on amending the agenda…
The analysis could not be performed.
The analysis could not be conducted.
13 bills registered:
12161 Draft Resolution on Amendments to the Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine "On the Election of Heads, First Deputies, Deputy Heads, Secretaries, and Members of the Committees of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the Ninth Convocation"
Initiator: People's Deputy of Ukraine
12159 Draft Law on Amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On…
[:uk]25 bills registered:
12093/P Draft Resolution on the adoption of the draft Law of Ukraine on amendments to the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses regarding the improvement of mechanisms for holding individuals accountable for violations of military registration rules and legislation on defense, mobilization training, and mobilization
Initiator: People's Deputy of Ukraine
11443/P2 Draft…