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On Approval of Criteria for Determining Enterprises, Institutions, and Organizations in the Defense-Industrial Complex, Industry, Aircraft Construction Sector, and Space Activities Sector as Critically Important for the National Economy by the Ministry of Strategic Industries of Ukraine

Order establishes criteria for determining enterprises of the defense-industrial complex, industry, aviation, and space sectors as being of critical importance to the national economy. This is necessary for the purposes of reserving military personnel during mobilization and wartime. The document consists of three main sections defining: general provisions, criteria for defense-industrial complex enterprises, and criteria for…

Approval of Criteria for Identifying Enterprises, Institutions, and Organizations of Significant Importance for the National Economy in the Sectors of Transport, Postal Communication, Construction, Energy Efficiency, and Housing and Communal Services during a Special Period

Order establishes criteria for identifying enterprises of critical importance to the national economy during a special period in the sectors of transport, postal communication, construction, energy efficiency, and utilities. Such enterprises may obtain the right to reserve employees from mobilization. The document consists of three main sections: criteria for identifying enterprises, list of documents to…

Regarding the Consideration of Remarks Expressed by the State Registration Authority to the Order of the Ministry of Strategic Industries of Ukraine dated December 26, 2024 No. 192

Order introduces a technical amendment to the title of the Criteria for Identifying Important Enterprises of the Defense-Industrial Complex, specifying that such identification is carried out by the Ministry of Strategic Industries of Ukraine. Structurally, the order consists of 4 points that define: the essence of the amendment, registration procedure, entry into force, and control over…

On the Decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine dated January 19, 2025 “On the Application and Cancellation of Personal Special Economic and Other Restrictive Measures (Sanctions)”

Decree Implementing the Decision of the National Security and Defense Council Regarding the Application and Cancellation of Personal Sanctions against Specific Individuals and Legal Entities The Decree introduces into effect the decision of the National Security and Defense Council dated January 19, 2025, concerning the application and cancellation of personal sanctions against specific individuals and legal…

On the Continuation of the National Strategy for Resolving the Issue of Non-Enforcement of Court Decisions, Where the Debtor is a State Body or State Enterprise, Institution, Organization, until 2025 and the Action Plan for its Implementation

Ordinance Extends the Term of the National Strategy for Resolving the Issue of Non-Enforcement of Court Decisions Where Debtors are State Bodies or Enterprises until 2027. The document also approves an updated action plan for implementing this strategy. Structurally, the act consists of two parts: 1) the main ordinance on extending the strategy's term; 2)…

Some Issues of Implementing Provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On State Reserves” Regarding the Formation of State Reserves

Resolution Defines Two Key Procedures Regarding State Reserves - the Procedure for Forming and Moving Material Assets, as well as the Procedure for Selecting Responsible Custodians and Reservists. Structurally, the document consists of two separate procedures: - The first defines the mechanism for forming state reserves (material and mobilization), procurement procedures, quality checks, storage, and movement of…

Review of Ukrainian Supreme Court’s decisions for 26/01/2025

Case No. 909/1218/15 dated 14/01/2025 The court established that during construction, significant violations of construction norms were committed - access to the gas pipeline was blocked, load on the neighboring house's roof was increased, fire prevention barriers were absent, chimney pipes were in the wind pressure zone, and evacuation exit was limited. Additionally, construction was carried…

On Approval of Criteria for Determining Enterprises, Institutions, and Organizations in the Defense-Industrial Complex, Industry, Aircraft Construction Sector, and Space Activities Sector as Critically Important for the National Economy by the Ministry of Strategic Industries of Ukraine

Order establishes criteria for determining enterprises of the defense-industrial complex, industry, aviation, and space sectors as being of critical importance to the national economy. This is necessary for the purposes of reserving military personnel during mobilization and wartime. The document consists of three main sections defining: general provisions, criteria for defense-industrial complex enterprises, and criteria for…

Approval of Criteria for Identifying Enterprises, Institutions, and Organizations of Significant Importance for the National Economy in the Sectors of Transport, Postal Communication, Construction, Energy Efficiency, and Housing and Communal Services during a Special Period

The order establishes criteria for identifying enterprises that are of significant importance to the national economy during a special period in the areas of transport, postal communication, construction, energy efficiency, and housing and communal services. Such enterprises may obtain the right to reserve military personnel employees. The document has a clear structure: a preamble with references…

Regarding the Consideration of Remarks Expressed by the State Registration Authority to the Order of the Ministry of Strategic Industries of Ukraine dated December 26, 2024 No. 192

Order introduces a technical amendment to the title of the Criteria for Identifying Important Enterprises of the Defense-Industrial Complex, specifying that such identification is carried out by the Ministry of Strategic Industries of Ukraine. Structurally, the order consists of 4 points that define: the essence of the amendment, registration procedure, entry into force, and control over…

On the Decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine dated January 19, 2025 “On the Application and Cancellation of Personal Special Economic and Other Restrictive Measures (Sanctions)”

Decree Implementing the Decision of the National Security and Defense Council Dated January 19, 2025, Regarding the Imposition and Cancellation of Personal Sanctions Against Specific Individuals and Legal Entities The decree consists of three points: implementation of the National Security and Defense Council decision, determination of control over execution, and entry into force. Control is assigned…

On the Continuation of the National Strategy for Resolving the Issue of Non-Enforcement of Court Decisions, Where the Debtor is a State Body or State Enterprise, Institution, Organization, until 2025 and the Action Plan for its Implementation

Order extends the term of the National Strategy for Resolving the Problem of Non-Enforcement of Court Decisions where debtors are state bodies or enterprises until 2027. The document also approves an updated action plan for implementing this strategy. Structurally, the act consists of two parts: 1) the main order extending the strategy's term; 2) amendments…

Some Issues of Implementing Provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On State Reserves” Regarding the Formation of State Reserves

Resolution Approves Two Key Procedures for State Reserves Formation and Storage - Material and Mobilization Reserves. The First Procedure Defines the Mechanism for State Reserves Formation and Material Values Movement. Key Provisions: • The State Agency for Reserve Management is responsible for material reserve formation • Ministries and other executive authorities form mobilization reserves • Clear procedures are established…

Review of Ukrainian Supreme Court’s decisions for 25/01/2025

Case No. 473/1381/22 dated 14/01/2025 Subject of Dispute: Appealing a court verdict against a person convicted of premeditated murder for mercenary motives and robbery. The court was guided by the following main arguments: 1) the defendant's guilt is confirmed by a set of evidence, including forensic and molecular genetic examination results, witness testimonies, and surveillance camera recordings;…
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