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Case No. 990/69/24 dated 31/10/2024

Appeal Against the Inaction of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine (HQCJ) Regarding the Non-Consideration of Judge PERSON_1's Application for the Dismissal of Commission Member PERSON_2 Due to Gross Negligence of Duties. 2. The parties in the case were Judge PERSON_1, who believed that the HQCJ violated her rights by not properly considering her…

Case No. 990/188/23 dated 31/10/2024

Higher Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine, recognition of its inaction as unlawful, and obligation of the Commission to perform certain actions. The parties in the case were the plaintiff, INDIVIDUAL_1, who demanded the annulment of the Commission's acts and to compel it to act, and the defendant, the Higher Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine,…

Review of Ukrainian Supreme Court’s decisions for 07/11/2024

[Case No. 240/15899/20 dated 28/10/2024]( **The courts established** that documents confirming the violation of rights were not attached, and that the **Ministry of Justice should have denied** the complaint based on points 1 and 7 of part eight of Article 34 of Law No. 755. 3. **Court Decision**: The Supreme Court **dismissed the cassation appeal** of the…

Case No. 990/228/23 dated 24/10/2024

Appeal Against the Decree of the President of Ukraine on the Application of Sanctions Against INDIVIDUAL_1. The parties in the case were INDIVIDUAL_1, who contested the legality of the sanctions applied to him, and President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, who defended the legitimacy of his decree. The court of first instance left the lawsuit without consideration…

Review of Ukrainian Supreme Court’s decisions for 04/11/2024

и матеріали справи, зазначив, що позивач надав достатні докази щодо наявності моральної шкоди, завданої його правам внаслідок дій державних органів. Суд підкреслив, що дії органів, що здійснюють оперативно-розшукову діяльність, та інших суб'єктів досудового розслідування, не відповідали вимогам законодавства, що призвело до порушення прав позивача. У рішенні суду було вказано, що позивач має право на відшкодування моральної…

Review of Ukrainian Supreme Court’s decisions for 03/11/2024

**Case No. 615/413/17 dated 24/10/2024** **Subject of the dispute:** The dispute concerns the justification of an individual accused of exceeding official powers, which resulted in bodily harm. **Main arguments of the court:** The court of cassation pointed out significant violations committed by the appellate court, particularly regarding the incomplete examination of evidence and insufficient reasoning…

Review of Ukrainian Supreme Court’s decisions for 02/11/2024

Case No. 991/10700/23 dated 29/10/2024 1. The subject of the dispute is the **imposition of sanctions** on individuals and legal entities, specifically citizens of the Russian Federation and a joint-stock company, in connection with their involvement in activities that fall under the sanctions legislation in Ukraine. 2. In making its decision, the court was guided by the…
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