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Review of the EU legislation for 22/11/2024

Legal Acts Review: 1. Livanjski sir Registration: The EU has registered 'Livanjski sir' as a Protected Geographical Indication, following an application from Bosnia and Herzegovina. This cheese product now enjoys protected status across all EU member states. 2. African Swine Fever Control: The regulation updates restricted zones for African swine fever in Germany, Poland, Croatia, Italy,…

Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2024/2928 of 20 November 2024 amending Annex I to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/594 laying down special control measures for African swine fever

This is a Commission Implementing Regulation amending Annex I to Regulation (EU) 2023/594 regarding special control measures for African swine fever (ASF).The regulation updates the zoning restrictions for ASF in several EU member states based on the latest epidemiological situation and risk assessments. It modifies the restricted zones I, II and III in affected countries.The…

Review of Ukrainian legislation for 22/11/2024

Laws: • A mechanism for deprivation of state awards has been introduced as an additional punishment for serious crimes and crimes against national security. Deprivation of awards is possible both by court verdict and by the decision of the National Security and Defense Council within the framework of sanctions. The person loses all benefits, and awards…

Amendment to the Procedure for Implementing Sanctions Types and Monitoring Their Effectiveness in the System of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

Order Defining the Procedure for Implementing Sanctions and Monitoring Their Effectiveness in the System of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine The order establishes a new procedure for implementing sanctions and monitoring their effectiveness within the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. The document regulates the mechanism for applying special economic and other restrictive measures in accordance…

On Amendments to the Procedure and Conditions for Paying One-Time Monetary Assistance Established by Paragraph 2 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated February 28, 2022, No. 168 “Issues of Certain Payments to Military Servicemen, Enlisted Personnel and Officers, Police Officers and Their Families during Martial Law” in the National Guard of Ukraine

The order defines the procedure for paying a one-time monetary assistance (OMA) to families of fallen National Guard of Ukraine servicemembers during martial law. The document comprehensively regulates the procedure for assigning and paying assistance, determines the circle of persons eligible to receive it, and establishes the mechanism for distributing funds among them. Structurally, the order…

On Amendments to Certain Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Regarding the Implementation of Official Control Measures

Resolution Amending Certain Regulatory Acts Regarding Official Control Measures for Goods Imported into the Customs Territory of Ukraine Main Changes: • Updating the list of goods subject to phytosanitary, veterinary-sanitary control and food product control in accordance with the new version of the Ukrainian Classification of Goods for Foreign Economic Activity (UCGFEA) • Clarifying the list of documents…

Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine On the Appeal to Parliaments and Governments of Foreign States, International Organizations and Their Interparliamentary Assemblies in Connection with the 1000th Day since the Beginning of the Full-Scale Armed Invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine solemnly notes that on the 1000th day of the full-scale armed invasion by the Russian Federation into Ukraine, the Ukrainian people continue to heroically resist the aggressor, defending their freedom, independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity. The Russian Federation’s military aggression against Ukraine has become the largest armed conflict in Europe since World War II, causing unprecedented destruction, human losses, and humanitarian catastrophe. During these 1000 days, the Ukrainian people have demonstrated extraordinary resilience, courage, unity, and commitment to democratic values, effectively resisting the aggressor and defending their right to exist as an independent state. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine calls upon the parliaments and governments of foreign states, international organizations, and their interparliamentary assemblies to: 1. Continue providing comprehensive political, diplomatic, economic, humanitarian, and military support to Ukraine; 2. Maintain and strengthen sanctions against the Russian Federation; 3. Recognize the Russian Federation as a terrorist state; 4. Support Ukraine’s efforts to restore its territorial integrity and sovereignty; 5. Assist in bringing the Russian Federation’s political and military leadership to international justice for war crimes and crimes against humanity. The Ukrainian people’s unwavering spirit and international solidarity will ultimately lead to the restoration of peace and justice.

Resolution approves the Address of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to the international community in connection with the 1000th day of the full-scale invasion by the Russian Federation. The document instructs the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada to immediately send the text of the Address to the addressees. Structurally, the act consists of two parts:…

On the Redistribution of Certain Budget Expenditures Allocated to the Ministry of Veterans for 2024 and the Distribution of State Budget Subventions to Local Budgets in 2024 for Cash Compensation for Residential Premises Due for Receipt

The order concerns the redistribution of budget funds in the area of housing provision for war veterans and internally displaced persons who participated in the defense of Ukraine. The document provides for the redistribution of expenditures of the Ministry of Veterans' Affairs for 2024 and the allocation of subventions to local budgets. Structurally, the order…

On Amendments to Certain Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Regarding Social Protection of Conscripts and Reservists of Intelligence Agencies

Resolution Amending Regulatory Acts Regarding Social Protection of Military Servicemen and Reservists of Intelligence Agencies The main purpose is to expand the existing norms to all intelligence agencies, not just the Foreign Intelligence Service. Amendments are being made to three Cabinet of Ministers resolutions: - Resolution No. 393 of 17.07.1992 regarding service years calculation and pension provision; -…

Law on Amendments to the Criminal Code of Ukraine, the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine and Other Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding Deprivation of State Awards for Popularization or Propaganda of the Aggressor State or Commission of Other Unlawful Actions Against Ukraine

The law establishes a mechanism for deprivation of state awards of Ukraine as an additional type of punishment for serious and especially serious crimes, crimes against national security, peace, and international legal order. It also introduces the possibility of depriving state awards by decision of the National Security and Defense Council within the framework of…

Review of Ukrainian Supreme Court’s decisions for 21/11/2024

Case No. 202/4400/22 dated 12/11/2024 Subject of the dispute - a prosecutor's appeal against the appellate court's decision to mitigate the punishment for a person convicted of illegal drug trafficking. The court was guided by the fact that the appellate court incorrectly applied Article 69 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (imposing a milder punishment), as…

Review of Ukrainian Supreme Court’s decisions for 21/11/2024

Case No. 202/4400/22 dated 12/11/2024 Subject of the dispute - a prosecutor's appeal against the appellate court's decision to mitigate the punishment for a person convicted of illegal drug trafficking. The court was guided by the fact that the appellate court incorrectly applied Article 69 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (imposing a milder punishment), as…
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