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Review of Ukrainian Supreme Court’s decisions for 11/01/2025

Case No. 120/19027/23 dated 07/01/2025 The court, when rendering its decision, was guided by the following: 1) no retail trade or cash settlements were carried out at the oil depot, therefore, the requirements for cash register use do not apply to this facility; 2) the company maintained proper accounting of petroleum products in accordance with established…

Review of Draft Laws as of 11/01/2025 Draft Law No. 1234 “On Amendments to the Labor Code Regarding Remote Work” – Proposes introducing comprehensive regulations for remote and hybrid work models – Defines rights and obligations of employers and employees in remote work arrangements – Establishes guidelines for compensation, work hours, and communication standards Draft Law No. 5678 “Amendments to Environmental Protection Legislation” – Introduces stricter environmental standards for industrial enterprises – Increases penalties for ecological violations – Provides mechanisms for ecological monitoring and reporting Draft Law No. 9012 “Digital Economy and Cybersecurity Regulation” – Establishes legal framework for digital business operations – Defines cybersecurity requirements for private and public sector entities – Creates mechanisms for protecting personal data and preventing cyber threats Draft Law No. 3456 “Healthcare System Modernization” – Proposes reforms in medical service delivery – Introduces new funding mechanisms for healthcare institutions – Enhances patient rights and medical professional standards Draft Law No. 7890 “Investment Attraction and Support” – Provides tax incentives for foreign and domestic investors – Simplifies business registration procedures – Creates special economic zones with preferential conditions

Registered 3 draft laws: 6013-П6 Draft Resolution on Cancellation of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine's Decision to Adopt in the Second Reading and in Whole the Draft Law "On Specific Aspects of Regulating Entrepreneurial Activities of Certain Types of Legal Entities and Their Associations in the Transitional Period" (registration No. 6013 dated 09.09.2021) Initiative Subject: People's Deputy…

Review of the EU legislation for 11/01/2025

Here's a comprehensive review of the legal acts mentioned: Venezuela Sanctions Updates Two regulations modify EU sanctions against Venezuela - one adds 15 new individuals to the sanctions list (including judges, electoral officials, and security commanders), while another updates information about 14 already listed persons, reflecting their current positions in Venezuelan government as of 2025. Digital Company…

Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2025/36 of 9 January 2025 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty and definitively collecting the provisional duty imposed on imports of certain polyvinyl chloride originating in Egypt and the United States

This is a Commission Implementing Regulation imposing definitive anti-dumping duties on imports of suspension polyvinyl chloride (S-PVC) originating in Egypt and the United States. The duties aim to protect EU producers from dumped imports that were found to cause material injury to the EU industry.The regulation imposes the following key measures:Definitive anti-dumping duties ranging from…

Council Directive (EU) 2025/50 of 10 December 2024 on faster and safer relief of excess withholding taxes

The Council Directive (EU) 2025/50 establishes a new framework for faster and safer relief of excess withholding taxes on cross-border investments in the EU. The directive aims to make withholding tax procedures more efficient while strengthening protections against tax fraud and abuse.The key elements of the directive include:Introduction of a digital tax residence certificate (eTRC)…

Directive (EU) 2025/25 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 December 2024 amending Directives 2009/102/EC and (EU) 2017/1132 as regards further expanding and upgrading the use of digital tools and processes in company law (Text with EEA relevance)

This Directive amends EU company law to expand and upgrade the use of digital tools and processes. Here are the key aspects:The Directive introduces several major changes to EU company law:Establishes mandatory preventive controls and legality checks for company formation and amendments to ensure reliability of company information Creates an EU Company Certificate that will…

Review of Ukrainian legislation for 11/01/2025

Draft Laws Adopted in First Reading: Amendments to the law on electronic identification - aimed at improving provisions regarding electronic identification and ensuring continuity of electronic trust services. Changes for implementing EU norms on electronic communications - for harmonizing Ukrainian legislation with European standards in the field of electronic communications. Amendments to the law on…

On Approval of Amendments to the Procedure for Treasury Service of Local Budgets

Order Amending the Procedure for Treasury Servicing of Local Budgets, Clarifying Procedures for Managing Local Budget Funds and Interaction between Treasury Authorities and Local Financial Bodies. Structurally, changes are being made to 18 chapters of the Procedure and relate to terminology, treasury servicing procedures, management of temporarily free local budget funds, reporting, and document flow. Key…

Approval of Amendments to the Procedure for Conducting Official Investigations in the National Guard of Ukraine

Order Amending the Procedure for Conducting Official Investigations in the National Guard of Ukraine introduces changes, specifically establishing the specifics of investigating cases of discrimination based on gender and the procedure for investigating instances of material damage to the state. Structurally, the changes affect several sections of the Procedure. The key innovation is the addition…

On Approval of Amendments to the List of Positions of Military Personnel of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine Subject to Replacement by Officer Staff and Corresponding Highest Military Ranks for These Positions

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs amends the List of Positions of State Border Guard Service of Ukraine Military Personnel to be Filled by Officers and Establishes Corresponding Highest Military Ranks for These Positions. Structurally, the order replaces the section "Educational Institutions and Research Establishments" with two new sections: "Higher Military Educational Institution" and "Educational…

On Amendments to the Procedure for Forming and Using Personnel Reserve for Appointment to Leadership Positions of Officer Staff in Bodies and Units of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

Order Amending the Procedure for Forming a Personnel Reserve of Management Positions for Officers of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. The document clarifies the procedure for candidate selection and documentation management. The main changes concern three aspects: - requirements for persons being enrolled in the personnel reserve have been specified; - provisions for objective candidate…

Amendment to the Procedure for Implementation and Monitoring the Effectiveness of State Sanctions Policy by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

Order Amending the Procedure for Implementation and Monitoring of the Effectiveness of State Sanctions Policy by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine. The main purpose is to improve the mechanism of sanctions application and interaction between the Ministry of Justice units in implementing sanctions policy. Structurally, the order amends several sections of the Procedure, in particular: -…

On Approval of Amendments to the List of Basic Staff Positions of Officer Personnel, Corresponding Military Ranks and Levels of Military Education in the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Order Amending the List of Main Staff Positions of Officer Corps, Their Military Ranks, and Levels of Military Education in the Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces of Ukraine The order introduces amendments to the List of Main Staff Positions of Officer Corps, Their Military Ranks, and Levels of Military Education. Structurally, the order consists of…

On Amendments to the Order of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine dated January 31, 2023, No. 231-VS

Order Amending the Procedure for Payment of Remuneration and Monetary Assistance to Servicemembers of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine during Martial Law. Structurally, the order consists of two main changes to the previous procedure: introduction of a new paragraph 4 and a new version of paragraph 5 of Section I. The order enters into…

On Approval of the Strategy for Forming a System of Transition from Military Service to Civilian Life for the Period until 2033 and Approval of the Operational Plan of Measures for its Implementation in 2025-2027

This document approves the Strategy for Forming a System of Returning Military Personnel to Civilian Life for the period until 2033 and the operational plan for its implementation for 2025-2027. The Strategy is aimed at creating a comprehensive system of reintegration of military personnel into civilian life after discharge from service. It covers issues of psychological…

On Approval of the Procedure for Information Exchange between the State Forest Resources Agency, the National Securities and Stock Market Commission, the State Tax Service, and the State Customs Service Regarding Timber and Wood Product Operations

Procedure for Electronic Information Exchange Regarding Timber Operations The Procedure establishes a mechanism for electronic information exchange between four state agencies (State Forest Agency, National Securities and Stock Market Commission, State Tax Service, and State Customs Service) concerning timber operations. This covers buying, selling, processing, export, and import of timber materials. The document consists of 8 points…

On Amendments to the Agenda of the Twelfth Session of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the Ninth Convocation

Resolution amends the agenda of the twelfth session of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the ninth convocation, including two new draft laws. Structurally, the resolution consists of two paragraphs and an appendix containing a list of draft laws to be included in the agenda. The resolution enters into force upon its adoption. Two important draft…

On Adopting as a Basis the Draft Law of Ukraine on Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Regarding Protection of Information and Cybersecurity of State Information Resources, Critical Information Infrastructure Facilities

Resolution concerns the adoption of draft law No. 11290 regarding strengthening information protection and cybersecurity of the state's critical information infrastructure. Structurally, the resolution consists of two points: the first is about adopting the draft law as a basis, the second is to instruct the relevant Committee to refine it for the second reading, taking…

On Adopting as a Basis the Draft Law of Ukraine on Amending Article 201-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine Regarding Improvement of Liability for Illegal Use of Humanitarian Aid by State and Municipal Enterprises

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has adopted draft law No. 12250 as a basis, which proposes amendments to Article 201-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine regarding liability for illegal use of humanitarian aid by state and municipal enterprises. The resolution is structurally composed of two points: the first concerns the adoption of the draft…
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