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Case No. 459/1985/18 dated 27/02/2025

Subject of Dispute: Cassation Appeal of Sentence Regarding a Person Who Committed Several Thefts in 2018.

Main Arguments of the Court:
1. The court thoroughly analyzed the circumstances of the case and concluded that the statute of limitations had not expired, as the person was hiding from the investigation.
2. The court took into account changes in legislation regarding the qualification of petty theft and recognized that the theft episode of May 29, 2018, cannot be qualified as a criminal offense due to the low value of the stolen property.
3. The Appellate Court substantiated the imposition of actual punishment by the increased public danger of the person who immediately after the previous conviction committed new crimes.

Court Decision: Partially satisfy the cassation appeal, closing the criminal proceedings for the theft episode of May 29, 2018, and leaving the punishment for other episodes unchanged.

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