The essence of the resolution is to expand the list of bodies and persons who have access to the Unified State Register of Vehicles. In particular, the Bureau of Economic Security (BEB), the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU), the State Bureau of Investigations (DBR), and the Motor (Transport) Insurance Bureau have been added as new subjects with access to the register. The procedure for concluding access agreements to the register has also been clarified.
Document Structure:
– Amendments to the Procedure for Accessing the Unified State Register of Vehicles (Resolution No. 260)
– Amendments to the Regulation on the Unified Information System of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Resolution No. 1024)
Key Important Provisions:
1. The list of subjects with the right to access the vehicle register has been expanded, including the Bureau of Economic Security, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau, the State Bureau of Investigations, and the Motor Insurance Bureau
2. Specific features for concluding an access agreement for the Motor Insurance Bureau have been established
3. It is clarified that search criteria and available information volumes are determined by the contract in accordance with the user’s legal powers
4. Corresponding changes have been made to the Regulation on the Unified Information System of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to coordinate the list of access subjects
(as it relates to law enforcement agencies’ access to vehicle registers)