5 Draft Laws Registered:
13004 Draft Law on Amending Paragraph 18 of Article 10-1 of the Law of Ukraine “On Social and Legal Protection of Military Servicemen and Their Family Members” Regarding Granting Annual Additional Leave During Martial Law to Military Servicemen from Among Persons Eligible for Discharge from Military Service Due to Family Circumstances or Other Valid Reasons, Who Expressed Desire to Continue Military Service
Initiating Subject: People’s Deputy of Ukraine
12141/P Draft Resolution on Adopting as a Basis the Draft Law of Ukraine on Amending the Law of Ukraine “On International Commercial Arbitration” Regarding Expanding International Arbitration Competence
Initiating Subject: People’s Deputy of Ukraine
12355/P Draft Resolution on Adopting as a Basis the Draft Law of Ukraine “On the Unified State Register of War Veterans”
Initiating Subject: People’s Deputy of Ukraine
12373/P Draft Resolution on Adopting as a Basis the Draft Law of Ukraine on Amending Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding Improvement of Military Property Management and Write-off Mechanisms
Initiating Subject: People’s Deputy of Ukraine
13005 Draft Law on Amending Article 5 of the Law of Ukraine “On Court Fees” Regarding Exemption from Court Fees for Family Members of Fallen (Deceased) War Veterans and Family Members of Fallen (Deceased) Defenders of Ukraine, Family Members of Persons Posthumously Awarded the Title of Hero of Ukraine for Civil Courage, Patriotism, Heroic Defense of Constitutional Principles of Democracy, Human Rights and Freedoms, Selfless Service to the Ukrainian People, Demonstrated During the Revolution of Dignity, with Presentation of the “Golden Star” Order
Initiating Subject: People’s Deputy of Ukraine
Supporting Documents Updated in 11 Draft Laws:
0300 Draft Law on Ratification…Ratification of the Framework Agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on Official Credit Support for the Development of Ukraine’s Defense Capabilities