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On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine dated May 31, 2012, No. 657 and Declaring the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine dated December 3, 2012, No. 1266 as Null and Void

Order Amending the Procedure for Customs Clearance of Goods Using A.T.A. Carnets and Canceling the Procedure for Using Electronic Locks with GPS-GSM Navigation.

Structurally, the order consists of 6 points, which:
1) exclude the Russian language from the list of languages for A.T.A. carnets processing;
2) cancel the possibility of filling out A.T.A. carnet fields in the Russian language;
3) cancel the order on the use of electronic locks with GPS-GSM navigation.

Key changes relate to the exclusion of the Russian language from document circulation during customs clearance of goods using A.T.A. carnets and the refusal to regulate the use of electronic locks with GPS-GSM navigation. This is important for foreign economic activity entities using A.T.A. carnets for temporary importation of goods.

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