This Regulation establishes detailed requirements for the scoreboard that will track the implementation of the Ukraine Facility – a financial instrument supporting Ukraine’s recovery, reconstruction, and modernization until 2027. The scoreboard serves as a transparent monitoring tool to display progress in implementing the Ukraine Plan, which constitutes Pillar I of the Facility.The Regulation consists of two main articles. Article 1 defines six key elements that must be included in the scoreboard: fulfillment of steps related to reforms and investments, progress of financial disbursements, components of disbursed funds, assessment references, implementation progress by chapters, and cross-reference to recipients of funding exceeding €100,000. Article 2 addresses the entry into force of the regulation.The most significant provisions include:
- The requirement to track and display the percentage of satisfactorily fulfilled steps compared to the total number of steps outlined in the Ukraine Plan
- Monitoring of both non-repayable financial support and loans disbursement
- Transparency requirements through mandatory references to assessments and progress tracking by specific chapters
- Public disclosure of major funding recipients (those receiving over €100,000 cumulatively over four years)