Procedure for Electronic Information Exchange Regarding Timber Operations
The Procedure establishes a mechanism for electronic information exchange between four state agencies (State Forest Agency, National Securities and Stock Market Commission, State Tax Service, and State Customs Service) concerning timber operations. This covers buying, selling, processing, export, and import of timber materials.
The document consists of 8 points defining: methods of electronic interaction through various information systems (including the ‘Trembita’ system); requirements for information and cryptographic protection; procedure for executing interaction agreements between agencies; specific types of information exchanged between agencies.
Key provisions include:
– Possibility of using various information systems for data exchange
– Mandatory data encryption and electronic signature usage
– Clear delineation of information transfer by each institution: National Securities and Stock Market Commission transfers data on organized market operations, State Forest Agency – on certificates of origin and permits, State Customs Service – on export operations
– Necessity of executing separate agreements between agencies to determine technical interaction details