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Draft Law on the National Target Environmental Program for Radioactive Waste Management

Law Project Analysis:

Essence of the Law Project

The law project provides for the approval of a new National Target Environmental Program for Radioactive Waste Management. It defines new approaches to radioactive waste management at the state level and repeals the previous law on this issue, adopted in 2009.

Structure and Main Provisions of the Law Project

The law project consists of two main parts: approval of a new program and final provisions. The main provisions include:

  • Approval of a new National Target Environmental Program for Radioactive Waste Management, which is attached to the law.
  • Entry into force of this law at the beginning of a new budget period after its adoption.
  • Invalidation of the previous law from 2009.
  • Ensuring implementation of the new program by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
Key Provisions Important for Legislators, Experts, Business, and Citizens

This law project is important as it introduces updated approaches to radioactive waste management, which is critically important for environmental safety. Legislators need to consider changes in the legislative framework, experts need to develop effective methods for implementing the new program. Businesses, especially those involved in the nuclear industry, should prepare for changes in the regulatory environment, and citizens should be informed about safety measures and environmental standards introduced by this program.

Analysis of the Explanatory Note:

Analysis of the Draft Law of Ukraine “On the National Target Environmental Program for Radioactive Waste Management”

Essence of the Law Project

The law project provides for the creation of a new National Target Environmental Program for effective radioactive waste management in Ukraine for the period from 2025 to 2032. It aims to solve comprehensive problems related to safety and environmental risks arising from the accumulation of radioactive waste.

Reasons and Necessity for Adopting the Law Project

The need for a new program arose due to insufficient funding of the previous program, which was in effect from 2008 to 2017, which did not allow fully realizing the set goals. The draft law is designed to fulfill the requirements of Article 3 of the current Law on Radioactive Waste Management and ensure targeted and cumulative financing through the State Radioactive Waste Management Fund. This is necessary to create a comprehensive radioactive waste management system to protect current and future generations from environmental and financial risks.

Main Consequences of the Law Project

Adopting the law will have a positive impact on various stakeholder groups. For the Ukrainian population, this means increasing safety levels and reducing radiation risk. For nuclear power plants like NNEGC Energoatom, this creates the necessary conditions for safe radioactive waste storage, which in turn will contribute to the safe operation of nuclear power plants. For the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, this is an opportunity to solve problems remaining from the Soviet era. Involving scientific institutions will provide scientifically substantiated support for program implementation, which will improve eco-safety and national health.

Analysis of Other Documents:

Analysis of Documents Regarding the Draft Law of Ukraine “On the National Target Environmental Program for Radioactive Waste Management”

Position of the Document Author

The document’s author, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, supports the law project, as evidenced by the preparation of relevant regulatory legal acts and financial-economic calculations. The law project aims to implement a targeted environmental program for radioactive waste management, which is important for the country’s environmental safety.

Main Document Provisions

  • Financial and Economic Aspects: The program provides for significant financial expenses, with a total cost of 20,043.6 million hryvnias. Project implementation will be financed from the state budget and other non-prohibited sources, with an emphasis on environmental tax.
  • Implementation Period: The program will be implemented from 2025 to 2032, requiring long-term planning and financing.
  • Infrastructure Development: Construction and modernization of radioactive waste storage facilities are planned, including the Vector complex. This includes both physical construction and security system improvements.
  • Environmental Safety: The program emphasizes maintaining environmental safety in exclusion zones and developing new storage facilities for long-lived and high-active radioactive waste.
  • Socio-Economic Impact: It is expected that program implementation will contribute to revenues to budgets of various levels and social funds, ensuring tax revenues and contributions to social funds.

This law project is strategically important for Ukraine, as it aims to address environmental safety and radioactive waste management issues that remain relevant after the Chernobyl disaster.

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