Resolution on Redistribution of Budget Funds for Critical Infrastructure Restoration
Essence of the Resolution:
The document redistributes budget funds within a project with the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development for restoring critical infrastructure in cities. Financing is reduced by 87.9 million hryvnias for one program and increased by the same amount for another. Funds are directed towards restoring critical infrastructure objects in various Ukrainian cities.
Structure and Main Provisions:
1. Redistribution of funds between budget programs is implemented
2. Changes are made to the procedure for providing subventions to local budgets
3. Detailed distribution of subventions between territorial communities is approved
4. The name of the responsible ministry is changed from “Ministry of Infrastructure” to “Ministry of Development”
Key Application Provisions:
– Specific subvention amounts are determined for 8 territorial communities
– Total distributed funds amount to 215.2 million hryvnias
– Sumy (134.8 million hryvnias) and Brovary (45.1 million hryvnias) territorial communities receive the largest financing
– A 5-day term is established for submitting the list of expenses for approval after subvention distribution confirmation