Essence of Changes:
The resolution expands the procedure for transferring state-owned property, adding special provisions regarding defense-industrial complex property. The document details the procedure for transferring property of state defense industry enterprises and production capacities created under defense contracts to the management of an authorized entity for managing state-owned assets in the defense-industrial complex.
Structure and Key Changes:
1. Expanded scope of the Regulation to defense-industrial complex objects
2. Added new categories of property that can be transferred (defense-purpose production capacities, property of state defense industry enterprises)
3. Defined powers of the authorized management entity and the Ministry of Strategic Industries
4. Simplified the procedure for transferring defense enterprise property (without coordination with the State Property Fund)
Key Provisions for Application:
– Possibility of transferring any property of state unitary and state-owned enterprises in the defense-industrial complex
– Special procedure for transferring production capacities created under defense contracts
– Expansion of powers of the authorized management entity in the defense-industrial complex
– Simplification of property transfer procedure by canceling the need for coordination with the State Property Fund