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On Adopting as a Basis the Draft Law of Ukraine on Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Regarding Extension of Validity Periods for Territorial Planning Documents

Law on Amendments to the Land Code and Urban Planning Legislation

Law Essence:
The draft law aims to regulate urban planning documentation and territorial planning issues during martial law and after its termination. It extends the validity periods of territorial planning documents and simplifies certain procedures for their development and approval.

Structure and Main Provisions:
1. Amendments are introduced to 5 Ukrainian laws, including the Land Code, laws “On Land Management”, “On Regulation of Urban Planning Activities”, “On State Land Cadastre”.
2. A 3-year period is established after the termination of martial law to bring documentation in line with legislative requirements.
3. Urban planning documentation approved before the law’s entry into force remains valid.

Key Practical Provisions:
– Amendments to urban planning documentation are allowed without considering certain requirements regarding its composition and content during martial law and 3 years after its termination
– Functional purpose of the territory can be determined by a detailed territorial plan
– The procedure for developing detailed territorial plans outside settlements is simplified
– A procedure is established for determining the belonging of a land plot to a functional zone before entering relevant information into the State Land Cadastre

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