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Case No. 909/68/24 dated 04/03/2025

Here is the translation:

1. Subject of Dispute: Ivano-Frankivsk City Council demands the recovery of a land plot with an area of 6.2207 hectares from the illegal possession of LLC “IOLIT – IF”.

2. Main Arguments of the Court:
– The disputed land plot is located within the territory of Ivano-Frankivsk City Council
– Vovchynetsk Village Council illegally disposed of the land plot beyond its powers
– The land plot was alienated from the municipal property of the city council contrary to its will
– Court decisions in administrative cases confirmed the unlawfulness of the village council’s actions

3. Court Decision: The Supreme Court cancelled the resolution of the appellate commercial court and referred the case for a new review to further examine the circumstances regarding the statute of limitations.

Note: The Court deviated from previous practice in determining the start of the statute of limitations in cases of recovering municipal property.

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