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Review of Ukrainian Supreme Court’s decisions for 22/03/2025

Case No. 595/1754/23 dated 12/03/2025 Subject of Dispute: Criminal case of rape of a minor daughter by her father. Main Arguments of the Court: - The guilt of PERSON_7 is confirmed by a set of evidence: testimony of the victim, witnesses, expert conclusions - The victim identified her father by his characteristic cough and smell of alcohol - Expertise established…

Case No. 910/16479/23 dated 28/01/2025

Here is the translation: Subject of Dispute: Recognition of Bank Guarantee as Non-Enforceable and Termination of Bank's Obligations under the Guarantee. Key Court Arguments: 1. The Bank (guarantor) does not have the right to assess the presence or absence of the principal's obligation, but is obligated to pay under the guarantee if the claim corresponds to the guarantee…

Case No. 906/1537/23 dated 12/02/2025

Subject of Dispute: Termination of a Land Lease Agreement and Demolition of an Unauthorized Construction on a Land Plot in the City of Berdychiv, Located in the Archaeological Cultural Layer Protection Zone. Main Court Arguments: The Supreme Court considers that previous judicial instances incorrectly evaluated the evidence and circumstances of the case. Firstly, the courts did…

Case No. 903/492/24 dated 12/03/2025

Subject of Dispute: Invalidation of an Additional Agreement to the Lease Agreement for an Educational Institution Premises. Main Arguments of the Court: 1. The Supreme Court established that the conditions of the additional agreement violate part four of Article 80 of the Law of Ukraine "On Education", which prohibits the use of state educational institutions' property for…

Case No. 917/538/24(917/872/24) dated 17/03/2025

Here is the translation: 1. Subject of Dispute: Challenging the Ruling on Recognition of Creditors' Claims in Bankruptcy Case. 2. Main Arguments of the Court: - The court clearly determined that rulings on recognition of creditors' claims in a bankruptcy case cannot be appealed separately from the court's decision. - The appellate court erroneously refused to open proceedings, referring…

Case No. 921/576/23 dated 12/03/2025

Here is the translation: 1. Subject of Dispute: Recognition of Additional Agreements to Land Lease Contracts as Concluded and Renewal of Lease Legal Relations. 2. Main Arguments of the Court: - Non-preparation of agrochemical passports for land plots constitutes improper performance of contractual obligations - This prevents soil condition monitoring and creates risks of soil contamination - Such circumstances make…

Review of Draft Laws as of 22/03/2025

7 Draft Laws Registered: 12221/П Draft Resolution on Adopting as a Basis the Draft Law of Ukraine on Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Regarding Harmonization of Accreditation of Conformity Assessment Bodies and Technical Regulation System with European Union Requirements Initiative Subject: People's Deputy of Ukraine 12426/П Draft Resolution on Adopting as a Basis the Draft Law of…

Review of Ukrainian legislation for 22/03/2025

Changes Regarding Military Compensation The position of the General Inspector of the Ministry of Defense has been equated in terms of monetary compensation to the commander of a branch of the Armed Forces. Subventions for Medical Infrastructure 1.66 billion UAH in subventions have been allocated to local budgets for the construction and reconstruction of medical facilities.…

On Awarding State Awards of Ukraine

This decree of the President of Ukraine concerns the recognition of military personnel with state awards for personal courage in protecting the state sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. The structure of the decree includes a list of awarded persons, grouped by types of state awards: - Distinguished Service Cross (3 persons) - Order of Bohdan Khmelnytsky, 2nd…

On Approval of Typical Standards for Developing Staff Schedules (Staff Lists) of Higher Military Educational Institutions, Military Educational Subdivisions of Higher Education Institutions, and Professional Pre-Higher Military Education Institutions Belonging to the Sphere of Management of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

This order approves new standard regulations for developing staff establishments of military educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense. Essence of the law: - Establishes detailed personnel strength standards for various types of military educational institutions - Defines management structure, core and support units - Regulates the ratio of positions for scientific and pedagogical staff at different levels Structure: - 5…

On Amendments to Certain Regulatory Legal Acts of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

Order Amending the Procedure for Compulsory Enforcement of Decisions Considering Sanctions Legislation. The Main Essence is Establishing Mandatory Verification of the Debtor for Sanctions and Prohibiting Foreclosure on Property Subject to Sanctions. Structurally, the order introduces amendments to: - Instructions on the Organization of Compulsory Enforcement of Decisions (regarding sanctions verification and foreclosure restrictions) - Order on Property…

On Approval of Criteria for Determining Enterprises, Institutions, Organizations of Significant Importance for the National Economy Sector, Specifically for Capital Markets and Organized Commodity Markets

Essence of the Act: The document establishes criteria for identifying enterprises that are critical for capital markets and organized commodity markets during martial law. This is necessary for potential reservation of military-liable employees of such enterprises during mobilization. Structure and Main Provisions: 1. Basic requirements for all enterprises are established (absence of Russian/Belarusian owners, absence of violations and…

On Approval of the List of Territories Where Combat Operations Are Conducted (Were Conducted) or Temporarily Occupied by the Russian Federation

This order defines the current list of territories in Ukraine where military actions are or were conducted, as well as territories temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation. The document replaces the previous list from December 22, 2022. Document structure: - Preamble with reference to legal grounds - 6 points of the operative part, defining the procedure for approval,…

On the Transfer of Certain Budget Allocations Provided to the Ministry for Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories in 2025

(as it relates to budget legislation) Essence of the Order: The document regulates the transfer of budget allocations from the Ministry of Reintegration to the Ministry of Community Development for financing programs of providing preferential mortgage loans to internally displaced persons. The total amount of transferred allocations is 215.667 million UAH for loan issuance and provides for…

On Amendments to Certain Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Regarding the Maximum Limit of Expenses for Improved Nutrition of Military Servicemembers

Essence of the Resolution: The document regulates the mechanism for calculating and establishing the maximum payment limits for improved nutrition of servicemembers during treatment in medical facilities. A clear formula for calculating the monthly payment amount is introduced, and the procedure for applying the maximum nutrition expenses per bed-day is clarified. Structure and Main Provisions: 1. The resolution…

On Amending the Appendix to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated October 19, 2016 No. 718

The essence of the resolution is to amend the monetary compensation for military personnel, specifically by supplementing the list of positions eligible for corresponding monetary compensation with the position of the General Inspector of the Ministry of Defense. In fact, the General Inspector of the Ministry of Defense is equated in terms of monetary compensation…
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