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On State Support for Domestic Manufacturers of Cargo Vehicles and Automotive Base Chassis for Weapons and Equipment

Essence of the Resolution: The document establishes a mechanism for state support of Ukrainian manufacturers of trucks and chassis for military equipment. The key requirement is that localization of production in Ukraine must be at least 50%. The resolution is aimed at developing the domestic defense-industrial complex and ensuring the needs of defense forces. Structure and Main…

On Amendments to the Regulation on the Unified State Web Portal for Collecting Donations to Support Ukraine “United24”

Changes in the Rules of the United24 State Portal for Collecting Donations to Support Ukraine The essence of the changes lies in updating the rules for the United24 state portal for collecting donations, specifically regarding fundraising for military units to purchase unmanned systems and electronic warfare means. Specific military units participating in the "Drone Line" project…

Some Issues of Scaling Up the Production of Weapons and Military Equipment

Essence of the Act: The resolution regulates the process of transferring design documentation to increase the production of weapons and military equipment under martial law. The document defines the mechanism for transferring documentation to domestic manufacturers to establish serial production of weapons, equipment, and ammunition. This allows for scaling production when the capacities of a single…

On Amendments to the Rules of Crossing the State Border by Citizens of Ukraine

Essence of Changes: The Resolution amends the Rules for Crossing the State Border by Ukrainian Citizens during Martial Law. The main changes concern the procedure for leaving the country for military-liable persons who are not subject to conscription during mobilization, including family members of fallen defenders of Ukraine. Structure and Main Provisions: 1. The list of documents required…

On Amendments to the Regulation on the Recruitment Center for Foreigners and Stateless Persons

Essence of Changes: The resolution changes the subordination and work procedure of the Recruitment Center for Foreigners and Stateless Persons. The Center transitions to direct subordination to the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine instead of the Armed Forces. The terms of candidate verification and initial interview procedure are also optimized. Structure and Main Provisions: 1. Subordination has been…

On Amendments to the Procedure for Granting Combatant Status to Persons Involved in Confidential Cooperation Who Participated in Executing Tasks of the Resistance Movement in the Temporarily Occupied Territory of Ukraine, in the Area of Antiterrorist Operation, in the Area of Ensuring National Security and Defense, Repelling and Constraining Armed Aggression, or in Other Territories Where Military (Combat) Actions Were Conducted During the Execution of These Tasks

Essence of Changes: The resolution amends the procedure for granting combatant status to persons who collaborated with law enforcement agencies on a confidential basis in combat zones and occupied territories. The main changes relate to expanding the circle of persons who can obtain such status and clarifying the procedure for its granting. Structure and Main Provisions: 1. Criteria…

On Amending Item 2-6 of the Rules for Crossing the State Border by Citizens of Ukraine

Essence of the Resolution: Amendments have been made to the Rules for Crossing the State Border of Ukraine, which concern exceptions for certain categories of citizens regarding travel restrictions. In particular, it is established that restrictions do not apply to persons specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 of part three of Article 23 of the Law…