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Certain Issues of Monetary Compensation Payment to Persons Who Defended the Independence, Sovereignty, and Territorial Integrity of Ukraine for Residential Premises Rental

Essence of the Act: The resolution establishes the procedure for paying monetary compensation for housing rent for military servicemen-participants in combat actions, demobilized military personnel and police officers. Compensation is provided to those who have damaged housing, housing in occupied territories, or are undergoing rehabilitation. The amount of compensation depends on the settlement - from 1…

On Approval of the Procedure and Conditions for Providing a Subvention from the State Budget to Local Budgets in 2025 for the Implementation of a Public Investment Project for Monetary Compensation for Residential Premises Due to Certain Categories of Persons Who Defended the Independence, Sovereignty, and Territorial Integrity of Ukraine, as well as Members of Their Families

Essence of the Act: The Resolution approves the procedure for providing subventions from the state budget to local budgets for housing compensation to war veterans and their family members in 2025. The document defines the mechanism for monetary compensation for housing for families of fallen defenders of Ukraine and persons with I-II group disability acquired as…

On Approval of the Procedure for Establishing a Supplement for English Language Proficiency for Certain Categories of Persons

The essence of the resolution is to establish a mechanism for paying a bonus (10% of the official salary) for proficiency in English at a level not lower than B2 for certain categories of civil servants, military personnel, law enforcement officers, and heads of state institutions. The document defines the list of persons eligible for…

On Approval of Lists of Positions in Tax and Customs Authorities, Candidates for Which Are Required to Know English

Resolution Essence: A list of positions in tax and customs authorities of Ukraine is established, for which knowledge of English is mandatory. The resolution covers both central apparatuses of the State Tax Service and State Customs Service, as well as their territorial bodies. The document enters into force 4 years after the end of martial law. Document…

Some Issues of Military Medical Expertise

Essence of the Resolution: The document regulates the procedure for conducting military medical expertise for servicemembers of the State Border Guard Service and National Guard during martial law and one year after its termination. It defines which medical commissions can conduct examinations and who has the right to refer servicemembers for such review. Structure and Main Provisions: 1.…
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