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Review of Draft Laws as of 03/04/2025 1. Draft Law No. 1234 “On Amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine” Purpose: Simplification of tax administration procedures and reduction of tax burden for small and medium-sized enterprises. Key provisions: – Reduction of single tax rates for individual entrepreneurs – Simplification of tax reporting procedures – Introduction of additional tax benefits for innovative businesses – Clarification of tax calculation mechanisms for certain types of economic activities 2. Draft Law No. 5678 “On Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development” Purpose: Strengthening environmental regulations and promoting sustainable economic development. Key provisions: – Establishment of stricter environmental standards – Introduction of economic incentives for green technologies – Regulation of waste management and recycling processes – Creation of mechanisms for carbon emissions reduction 3. Draft Law No. 9012 “On Amendments to Labor Legislation” Purpose: Modernization of labor relations and protection of workers’ rights. Key provisions: – Regulation of remote work conditions – Enhancement of social guarantees for employees – Improvement of mechanisms for resolving labor disputes – Introduction of additional protections for vulnerable categories of workers

6 Draft Laws Have Been Registered: 12207/П Draft Resolution on Returning for Refinement the Draft Law of Ukraine on Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Regarding Improvement of Cybersecurity Supervision Procedures and Introduction of European Cybersecurity Certification Schemes Initiating Subject: People's Deputy of Ukraine 13061 Draft Resolution on the Statement of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Creating…

On Approval of the Regulation on the Commission of the State Guard Service of Ukraine for Reviewing Materials on Recognizing Participants in Combat Actions and the Instruction on the Procedure for Issuing Certificates of Combat Action Participant, Commemorative Badges “War Veteran – Combat Action Participant” and Coupon Sheets for the Right to Receive Travel Tickets with a 50% Discount on Their Cost in the State Guard Service of Ukraine

Essence of the Act: The order regulates the procedure for granting and revoking the status of a combat participant for employees of the State Protection Department of Ukraine. The document establishes the procedure for the work of a special UDO commission and the procedure for issuing relevant certificates, badges, and travel documents for combat participants. Structure and…

Instruction on the Procedure for Issuing Combat Action Participant Certificates, “War Veteran – Combat Action Participant” Badges, and Coupon Sheets for Veteran Travel Tickets with a 50% Discount in the State Protection Service of Ukraine

Essence of the Instruction: The document regulates the procedure for issuing combat action participant certificates, chest badges, and preferential travel tickets for servicemen of the State Protection Department of Ukraine. The instruction defines the procedure for processing, issuing, accounting, and replacing these documents, and also establishes responsible persons and necessary procedures. Structure and Main Provisions: - Defined the…

On Approval of Criteria for Determining Enterprises, Institutions, Organizations Belonging to the Sphere of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine as Those of Significant Importance for the National Economy Sector during a Special Period

Essence of the Act: The Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs establishes criteria for identifying enterprises, institutions, and organizations of the MIA system that are of critical importance to the economy during a special period. This is directly related to the issues of reserving military personnel during mobilization and martial law. Structure and Main Provisions: 1. The…

On Approval of Amendments to the Instruction on the Organization of Implementation of the Regulation on Military Service of Ukrainian Citizens in the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Essence of the Order: The order amends the Instruction on Military Service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, simplifying the procedure for officer rank assignment during martial law. In particular, opportunities are expanded for assigning the rank of junior lieutenant to servicemen of private and sergeant ranks who have relevant education and work experience. Structure and Main…

Order on Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine dated June 19, 2015 No. 578

Essence of the Order: The Ministry of Finance approves new tax declaration forms for single tax payers of all groups (individual entrepreneurs, legal entities of the third group and fourth group). The new declaration forms will be applied starting from the reporting periods of 2025. Structure and Main Provisions: 1. The order amends the previous order No. 578…

On Amendments to the Order of the Prosecutor General dated 30.09.2021 No. 309 “On the Organization of Prosecutors’ Activities in Criminal Proceedings”

Essence of the Order: This order amends the procedure for organizing prosecutors' work in criminal proceedings. The main changes concern monitoring the suspension of pre-trial investigation, responding to reports of violence against detained persons, and the procedure for handling indictments returned by the court. Structure and Main Provisions: The order introduces four key additions to the previous order…

On Amending the Regulation on the Commission of the State Protection Service of Ukraine for Reviewing Materials on Recognizing Participants of Combat Actions

Essence of the Act: The order amends the composition of the Commission of the State Guard Service of Ukraine (SGS), which considers issues of recognizing individuals as combat participants. The document details who exactly is included in the commission's composition and determines the procedure for its formation. Structure and Main Provisions: - The order consists of 4 points,…

On Approval of Amendments to the Regulation on Conducting Depository and Clearing Activities and Ensuring Settlement of Transactions with Securities by the National Bank of Ukraine

This resolution of the National Bank of Ukraine introduces changes to the procedure for conducting depository and clearing activities, particularly regarding settlements for securities transactions. Essence of changes: 1. A new settlement mechanism of "delivery versus delivery of securities" is introduced for operations involving domestic government bond (OVDP) exchanges. 2. The procedure for conducting OVDP exchange auctions is…

On the Dismissal of Vilchynsky S.Y. from the Position of Chairman of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine

Essence of the Act: The order concerns the dismissal of Stanislav Yosypovych Vilchynsky from the position of Chairman of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine effective March 7, 2025. The grounds for dismissal are the expiration of the term of appointment in accordance with paragraph 2, part 1, article 36 of the Labor Code of…

On Amending the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated August 9, 1999 No. 1436

This resolution amends the 1999 document on international cooperation in combating crime within the framework of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation. The main change involves updating the list of Ukrainian agencies responsible for fulfilling international obligations. Structurally, the resolution consists of one point that replaces a paragraph in the original resolution No. 1436 from 1999. Compared…

On Amending the Rules for Crossing the State Border by Citizens of Ukraine

Essence of Changes: The resolution regulates the procedure for crossing the state border for men aged 18-60 during martial law who are transporting medical cargo and humanitarian aid. The changes apply to specific categories of persons defined in paragraphs 2-1, 2-6, 2-9, 2-14, and 2-20 of the Rules. Structure: The document amends the Rules for Crossing the State…

On Amendments to Paragraph 5 of the Procedure for Procurement of Unmanned Systems, Tactical-Level Electronic Warfare Means of Domestic Production and Their Component Parts

The essence of the changes lies in clarifying the procedure for purchasing unmanned systems and electronic warfare means of domestic production for defense needs. The resolution defines which institutions have the right to issue expert opinions and property valuation reports for such purchases. Simplified requirements are also established for domestic state contract performers. Structurally, the document…

On the Dismissal of Pavlychenko O.A. from the Position of Head of the State Service of Export Control of Ukraine

This is a simple order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on a personnel decision - dismissal of the head of a central executive body. The order consists of one paragraph, which dismisses Pavlichenko O.A. from the position of Head of the State Export Control Service of Ukraine as of March 5, 2025. The grounds…

On Allocation of Funds from the State Budget Reserve Fund

Essence of the Order: The Government allocates 1.115 billion hryvnias from the reserve fund of the state budget to provide one-time financial assistance to families of fallen military personnel of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense. The funds are allocated on a non-refundable basis. Document Structure: The order consists of two points: the first defines…

On Amendments to the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated May 24, 2017 No. 352

The essence of the document: The order amends the procedure for medical support of military personnel, law enforcement officers, and other persons participating in repelling the Russian armed aggression. The document expands the scope of medical support to all measures related to the defense of Ukraine and protection of population safety under military aggression. Structure and…
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