2 draft laws have been registered:
13001 Draft Law on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding Strengthening Prevention and Counteraction of Anti-Semitism
Initiator: People’s Deputy of Ukraine
13002 Draft Law on Amendments to Article 12 of the Law of Ukraine “On Limited and Additional Liability Societies” Regarding Ensuring the Possibility of Creating Additional Capital by the Society and Contributions by Society Participants to the Additional Capital of the Society
Initiator: People’s Deputy of Ukraine
Accompanying documents have been updated in 9 draft laws:
12413 Draft Law on Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Burial and Funeral Services”
2025-02-05 – Scientific Expert Conclusion
12384 Draft Law on Stimulating Economic Development of the Fishery Sector
2025-02-05 – Scientific Expert Conclusion
12361 Draft Law on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding Departure from Ukraine of Certain Categories of Citizens for Education
2025-02-05 – Scientific Expert Conclusion
12348 Draft Law on Amendments to Article 23 of the Law of Ukraine “On Mobilization Preparation and Mobilization” Regarding Granting Deferment from Military Service During Mobilization to Lawyers
2025-02-05 – Conclusion (European Integration Expertise)
12298 Draft Law on Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Basic Principles of Youth Policy” and Certain Other Laws Regarding Promoting Youth Policy Development
2025-02-05 – Citizens’ Appeals
0293 Draft Law on Amendments to Article 1 of the Law of Ukraine “On Ratification of the Multilateral Convention on Implementing Measures Relating to Tax Agreements to Prevent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting”
2025-02-05 – Main Committee Conclusion
7520-2 Draft Law on Limiting Immunity of Foreign States and Their Officials from Lawsuits and Recovering Damages Caused on the Territory of Ukraine by Death or Bodily Injury, as well as Property Damage Due to Armed Aggression, Temporary Occupation of Ukrainian Territory, Other Actions or Inactions
7520-1 Draft Law on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts Regarding Judicial Consideration of Cases on Compensation for Damage Caused as a Result of Armed Aggression Against Ukraine
2025-02-05 – Scientific Expert Conclusion
7520 Draft Law on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts Regarding Improvement of Consideration of Certain Categories of Court Cases in Connection with the Armed Aggression of the Russian Federation
2025-02-05 – Scientific Expert Conclusion
Consideration stage has been updated in 3 draft laws:
0299 Draft Law on Ratification of the Framework Agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of the Republic of Finland on Projects Financed by the Finnish-Ukrainian Investment Fund (FUIF)
2025-02-05 – Committee Conclusion Provided
12405 Draft Law on Approval of the Decree of the President of Ukraine “On Extending the Period of General Mobilization”
2025-02-05 – Act Mailing
2025-02-05 – Returned with Signature from the President of Ukraine
12404 Draft Law on Approval of the Decree of the President of Ukraine “On Extending the Martial Law in Ukraine”
2025-02-05 – Act Mailing
2025-02-05 – Returned with Signature from the President of Ukraine