This resolution amends the procedure for financing information sovereignty measures in occupied territories and informing about explosive objects.
Essence of changes:
1. The mechanism for ordering and distributing information products through various media channels is clarified.
2. A new procedure for conducting art competitions for developing information products is introduced.
3. Restrictions are established regarding the participation of entities associated with the aggressor state.
Main provisions:
– Expanded opportunities for information distribution through global and domestic media
– Defined that property rights to information products belong to the customer enterprise
– If an enterprise receives profit from information products, the state support for the next year will be reduced by this amount
– Terminology regarding territories contaminated with explosive objects has been changed
– Simplified documentation of financial operations by referencing the Accounting Law
Most important practical aspects:
– Prohibition of competition participation by entities associated with Russia and Belarus
– Clear procedure for conducting art competitions
– Mechanism for reducing state support by the amount of received profit
– Simplification of document flow in financing measures