Analysis of the Draft Law:
Analysis of the Draft Law on Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On the Fundamentals of National Resistance”
Essence of the Draft Law: The draft law provides for amendments to the current law “On the Fundamentals of National Resistance”, in particular, involving war veterans in the process of organizing and preparing citizens for national resistance, using their combat experience.
Structure of the Draft Law:
- Amendments have been made to Article 3, which clarifies that the preparation of citizens for resistance is based on veterans’ combat experience.
- The third part of Article 6 is presented in a new version, which provides for the participation of the Ministry of Defense and veteran social protection bodies in the initial training of citizens conducted in educational institutions and summer camps.
- The final provisions establish that the law comes into force the day after publication and also oblige the Cabinet of Ministers to adopt relevant regulatory legal acts.
Main Provisions of the Draft Law:
The draft law emphasizes the importance of involving war veterans in citizens’ training, which can enhance the effectiveness of education and increase the level of patriotic consciousness. Involving the central executive body for education together with the Ministry of Defense and veteran social protection in the training process is designed to integrate interdepartmental cooperation for a more comprehensive approach to national resistance. This may be important for legislators and experts, as it contributes to more effective use of existing combat experience, as well as for businesses that may be interested in creating new educational programs or camps. Citizens, especially youth, will benefit from more practical and realistic training methods.
Analysis of the Explanatory Note:
Analysis of the Draft Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine ‘On the Fundamentals of National Resistance'”
Essence of the Draft Law: The draft law proposes to involve war veterans in organizing and conducting training of Ukrainian citizens for national resistance, using their combat experience. This involves expanding the list of entities responsible for initial military training, including the Ministry of Veterans Affairs.
Reasons and Necessity for Adoption: The authors of the explanatory note point to the need to update legislation in connection with the adoption of Law of Ukraine No. 2834-IX of December 13, 2022, especially in the context of ongoing armed aggression against Ukraine. The current law does not fully meet modern requirements, in particular, it does not include provisions on involving veterans in national resistance.
Main Consequences: The adoption of the law will contribute to the effective implementation of strategic tasks in preparing citizens for national resistance. War veterans will have the opportunity to actively participate in public life, using their combat experience, which will positively affect their social integration. The project does not require additional budget expenditures and is within the approved financial allocations.
Analysis of Other Documents:
1. The authors of financial and economic calculations support the draft law, as evidenced by their desire to provide budget support for its implementation. They express a positive attitude towards the idea of involving veterans in training citizens for national resistance, which is confirmed by the planned budget expenditures for these purposes.
2. The main provisions of the document that may be important for legislators and other stakeholders include:
- Planned involvement of war veterans in organizing and conducting training of citizens for national resistance, which emphasizes the importance of using veterans’ practical combat experience.
- Budget expenditures for the implementation of the draft law amount to 2,200,000 hryvnias annually, which will be covered from the state budget, without involving additional funds from local budgets or other sources.
- The draft law does not provide for changes in tax policy or new obligations on the part of the state, which may be important for fiscal stability.
- The document provides for retraining and requalification of veterans, which will contribute to their integration into society and the use of their experience for national security.
- Financing is provided in the program of the Ministry of Veterans, which indicates support for the initiative at the state level.
This document is an important step towards strengthening national security through the involvement of experienced professionals, and also demonstrates a cautious approach to budget planning, which may be of interest to experts in finance and security.