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Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2025/220 of 29 November 2024 on supplementing Regulation (EU) 2024/792 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the Ukraine Facility by setting out the detailed elements of the scoreboard for the Ukraine Plan

This Regulation establishes detailed requirements for the scoreboard that will track the implementation of the Ukraine Facility – a financial instrument supporting Ukraine’s recovery, reconstruction, and modernization until 2027. The scoreboard serves as a transparent monitoring tool to display progress in implementing the Ukraine Plan, which constitutes Pillar I of the Facility.The Regulation consists of two main articles. Article 1 defines six key elements that must be included in the scoreboard: fulfillment of steps related to reforms and investments, progress of financial disbursements, components of disbursed funds, assessment references, implementation progress by chapters, and cross-reference to recipients of funding exceeding €100,000. Article 2 addresses the entry into force of the regulation.The most significant provisions include:

  • The requirement to track and display the percentage of satisfactorily fulfilled steps compared to the total number of steps outlined in the Ukraine Plan
  • Monitoring of both non-repayable financial support and loans disbursement
  • Mandatory transparency regarding recipients of substantial funding (over €100,000)
  • Progress tracking must be broken down by specific reforms and investments
  • The scoreboard must provide references to all relevant assessments of the implementation process

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