Resolution Approving the Regulations on the Commission for Reviewing Complaints about Improper Detention Conditions in Pre-Trial Detention Facilities and Penitentiary Institutions
This is a new body that will review complaints from prisoners and convicts regarding their detention conditions and make decisions on establishing the fact of improper conditions. The Regulations consist of three main sections: general provisions, composition and powers of Commission members, and the Commission’s activities. The document comprehensively regulates the procedure for forming the Commission, its tasks, rights and obligations of members, and the procedure for reviewing complaints and making decisions.
Key provisions:
– The Commission is formed for 3 years, with at least half of its members being public representatives
– Commission members have the right to visit penitentiary institutions without hindrance
– The Commission is obligated to review a complaint and visit the institution within 5 days
– Decisions are made by majority vote and can be appealed in court
– The institution’s administration is required to immediately eliminate identified violations