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On Approval of the Procedure for Conducting a Set of Measures to Assess Risks in the Economic Sphere

Procedure for Risk Assessment in the Economic Sphere

The Procedure defines the process of risk assessment in the economic sphere, conducted by the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine (BES) together with other controlling bodies and economic entities. The assessment includes risk identification, establishing their level, determining causes and consequences for the economy, as well as methods for their minimization.

The document consists of 22 points and defines: terminology, purpose and objectives of assessment, principles of conducting, information sources, stages of implementation (organizational-preparatory, main, final), procedure for participant involvement, reporting and information exchange requirements.

Key provisions:
– Assessment is conducted no less than once every 3 years
– BES is responsible for conducting the assessment
– Participation of economic entities is voluntary
– Based on results, a report and a list of measures for risk minimization are prepared, which is approved by the Cabinet of Ministers
– Possibility of international cooperation during assessment is provided

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