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On Approval of Criteria for Determining Enterprises, Institutions, and Organizations in the Defense-Industrial Complex, Industry, Aircraft Construction Sector, and Space Activities Sector as Critically Important for the National Economy by the Ministry of Strategic Industries of Ukraine

The order establishes criteria for identifying enterprises in the defense-industrial complex, industry, aviation, and space sectors as being of critical importance to the national economy. The document is adopted for the purposes of reserving military personnel during mobilization and wartime.

The order consists of two main parts: an administrative section and an appendix with criteria. The criteria are divided into two groups: for defense-industrial complex (DIC) enterprises (it is sufficient to meet one of three criteria) and for other enterprises (it is necessary to meet three out of six criteria). This order replaces the previous similar order dated 23.02.2023.

Key provisions for application:
– For DIC enterprises, the main criteria are: fulfilling defense contracts with a volume of over 50% of total production, receiving defense grants, or performing state property management functions;
– For other enterprises, the following are considered: fulfilling defense contracts, participation in state programs for DIC/aviation/space industry, production of goods for DIC needs;
– The decision to determine an enterprise as critical is made based on recommendations from a special working group.

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