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Decision No 1/2024 of the EU-Ukraine Association Council of 1 October 2024 on the granting of reciprocal market access for supplies for central government authorities in accordance with Annex XXI-A to Chapter 8 of the Association Agreement between the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community and their Member States, of the one part, and Ukraine, of the other part [2025/59]

This Decision establishes reciprocal market access between the EU and Ukraine for public procurement of supplies by central government authorities. It represents a significant step in implementing the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement’s provisions on public procurement.The Decision consists of three articles that establish mutual market access for public procurement, confirm the authenticity of the Decision in all EU official languages and Ukrainian, and set its entry into force on the date of adoption (October 1, 2024).The key provisions of the Decision include:

  • Confirmation that Ukraine has successfully implemented phase 1 of the legislative approximation process in public procurement as set out in Annex XXI-A of the Association Agreement
  • Establishment of reciprocal market access for supplies procurement by central government authorities between the EU and Ukraine
  • Implementation of the gradual and simultaneous opening of respective markets in public procurement

The most important aspects for practical application are:

  • Ukrainian central government authorities can now participate in EU public procurement procedures for supplies
  • EU suppliers can participate in Ukrainian central government procurement procedures for supplies
  • The market access is reciprocal, meaning equal rights and opportunities for both parties
  • The decision applies only to central government authorities, not to regional or local authorities
  • The market access is limited to supplies (goods), not services or works

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