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Decision No 1/2024 of the EU-Ukraine Association Council of 1 October 2024 on the granting of reciprocal market access for supplies for central government authorities in accordance with Annex XXI-A to Chapter 8 of the Association Agreement between the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community and their Member States, of the one part, and Ukraine, of the other part [2025/59]

This Decision establishes reciprocal market access between the EU and Ukraine for public procurement of supplies by central government authorities. It represents a significant step in implementing the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement’s provisions on public procurement.The Decision consists of three articles that establish mutual market access, confirm the authenticity of translations in all EU official languages and Ukrainian, and set the entry into force date. It follows a positive assessment of Ukraine’s implementation of phase 1 of the legislative approximation process outlined in Annex XXI-A of the Association Agreement.The key provisions include:

  • Reciprocal opening of markets for supplies procurement by central government authorities between the EU and Ukraine
  • Recognition of Ukraine’s progress in approximating its public procurement legislation with EU standards
  • Implementation of the gradual and simultaneous market opening principle established in Article 154 of the Association Agreement

The Decision is particularly significant as it represents the first practical step in opening public procurement markets between the EU and Ukraine, following Ukraine’s successful implementation of initial legislative reforms in this area. This creates new opportunities for suppliers from both the EU and Ukraine to participate in central government tenders in each other’s markets.

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