This regulation imposes definitive countervailing duties on imports of certain pneumatic tyres from China, both new and retreaded, used for buses or lorries with a load index exceeding 121.The regulation’s structure includes sections on: procedure and previous investigations, product definition and market segmentation, analysis of subsidization practices, injury assessment, causation analysis, likelihood of recurrence of injury, and Union interest considerations.Key provisions include:
– Confirmation of continued subsidization by China through various schemes including preferential lending, export credit insurance, provision of inputs at less than adequate remuneration, tax exemptions and reductions
– Finding of material injury to the EU industry evidenced by decreased profitability, loss of market share and inability to increase prices in line with costs
– Imposition of countervailing duties ranging from 3.75 to 57.28 euros per item depending on the manufacturer
– Requirements for valid commercial invoices to apply individual duty rates
– Special measures to prevent circumvention of dutiesThe most important aspects for implementation are:
– Detailed company-specific duty rates listed in Article 1
– Strict documentation requirements including declaration on commercial invoices
– Provisions for damaged goods and customs procedures
– Monitoring of export volumes to prevent circumvention
– Rules for company name changes affecting duty rates