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Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2025/36 of 9 January 2025 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty and definitively collecting the provisional duty imposed on imports of certain polyvinyl chloride originating in Egypt and the United States

This is a Commission Implementing Regulation imposing definitive anti-dumping duties on imports of suspension polyvinyl chloride (S-PVC) originating in Egypt and the United States. The duties aim to protect EU producers from dumped imports that were found to cause material injury to the EU industry.The regulation imposes the following key measures:

  • Definitive anti-dumping duties ranging from 58% to 100.1% on imports of S-PVC from Egypt and the US
  • Individual duty rates for specific companies based on their dumping margins
  • Requirements for valid commercial invoices to apply individual duty rates
  • Definitive collection of provisional duties previously imposed

The main provisions include:

  • Detailed analysis of dumping calculations and injury determination
  • Assessment of causation between dumped imports and injury to EU industry
  • Consideration of Union interest including impact on users and importers
  • Specific duty rates for individual companies and higher rates for all other companies
  • Rules for applying individual duty rates including invoice requirements
  • Provisions for monitoring and preventing circumvention

The regulation entered into force the day after publication and is binding in its entirety across all EU Member States. The duties will remain in place until review or expiry, with possibility for interim reviews after one year.

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