This Regulation establishes detailed procedures for verifying CO2 emissions and fuel consumption of heavy-duty vehicles in service (in-service verification). It defines how type-approval authorities should test vehicles to check if their actual CO2 emissions match the values declared in certification documents. The Regulation also sets rules for reporting and correcting any deviations found.The act consists of 24 articles and 5 annexes covering the selection of vehicle families for testing, test procedures, statistical evaluation methods, and reporting requirements. Key structural elements include procedures for different types of tests (verification testing procedure, air drag tests, tire rolling resistance tests, mass tests) and steps for evaluating and acting on test results.Main provisions include:
- Type-approval authorities must select vehicles based on risk assessment performed by the Commission
- Minimum number of vehicle families to be tested is determined based on manufacturer’s production volume
- Detailed test conditions and procedures are specified for each type of test
- Statistical methods are provided to evaluate test results and determine if there are deviations
- If deviations are found, CO2 emission values must be corrected for all affected vehicles
- Annual reporting requirements for authorities on verification activities and results