No new decisions were published today
Case No. 910/21682/15 (910/17038/21) dated 20/12/2024
The court concluded that the state enterprise does not have the right to file a claim for recognition of state ownership and cancellation of municipal property registration, as such claims are aimed at protecting the state's rights, not the enterprise's rights. Such a claim can only be filed by an…
7 Draft Laws Registered:
5344-d-P Draft Resolution on Cancellation of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine's Decision to Adopt in the Second Reading and in Entirety the Draft Law "On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Regarding Ensuring the Employment Rights of Persons with Disabilities" (Reg. No. 5344-d dated 18.11.2022)
Initiator: People's Deputy of Ukraine
12245-P6 Draft Resolution on…
Two fishing closure regulations have been implemented by the European Commission due to quota exhaustion:
1. Belgian Plaice Fishing Closure:
Affects Belgian vessels fishing for plaice in EU waters areas 7h, 7j and 7k
Complete ban on targeted plaice fishing from December 19, 2024
Catches made before closure date can still be processed and landed
Changes Regarding Military Service and Defense:
- Simplified the procedure for appointing individuals without higher education to officer positions in the State Guard Service during martial law, updated leave rules and temporary duty assignment procedures.
- Approved the procedure for recruiting to military service conditionally early released persons from places of imprisonment, including medical examination, psychological…
Resolution Amends the Procedure for Development and Production of Defense-Oriented Products, Significantly Expanding Opportunities for Involving Foreign Manufacturers in Military Equipment Development and Modernization. The Document Details Interaction Procedures with Foreign Partners and Establishes Requirements for Them.
Structurally, the changes cover: clarification of terminology (added definitions of a new sample, sample modification); establishing detailed requirements for…
Resolution Regulates the Procedure for Recruiting Persons Conditionally Released from Imprisonment to Military Service under Contract
The document establishes procedures for registering such persons for military service, conducting medical examinations, and professional-psychological selection.
The Resolution consists of 4 parts:
1. Procedure for Registering Convicted Persons for Military Service
2. List of Territorial Recruitment Centers
3. Procedure for Escorting Released Persons
Resolution concerns the adoption of draft law No. 12271 on amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On Enforcement Proceedings" regarding support for the rocket and space industry during martial law. Structurally, the resolution consists of two points: the first is about adopting the draft law as a basis, the second is to instruct the relevant…
Decree Amending the Regulations on Military Service under Contract in the State Protection Service of Ukraine
The decree introduces changes to the Regulations on Military Service under Contract in the State Protection Service of Ukraine. The main changes concern the procedure for appointment to positions, military rank promotions, leave provisions, and service specifics during a special…