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Resolution on Approval of the Form and Procedure for Banks to Notify about the Absence of Violation of Export and Import Transaction Settlement Deadlines Established by the National Bank of Ukraine

Order Approving the Form and Procedure for Banks’ Notification of No Violations in Settlement Timelines for Export-Import Operations

This is an important document in the field of currency supervision and tax control. The document consists of two main parts: an approved notification form and the procedure for its submission. The procedure contains three sections: general provisions, requirements for compiling the notification, and specifics of filling out and sending.

This is a new document that details the procedure for interaction between tax authorities and banks.

Key provisions:
• Territorial tax service bodies generate notifications based on documentary audit results
• Notification is sent through the bank’s electronic cabinet monthly by the 20th of each month
• The document is compiled separately for each taxpayer and each bank
• Notification contains two sections: NBU data and documentary audit results
• Signed by the head of the controlling body using electronic signature

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