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Four bills have been registered:
12183 Draft Law on Amendments to Part One of Article 3 of the Law of Ukraine "On the High Council of Justice" (regarding the Unified Judicial Information and Communication System and/or provisions defining the functioning of its separate subsystems (modules))
Initiative Subject: Member of the Parliament of Ukraine
12124/P Draft Resolution on the…
Regulation (EU) 2024/2838 Overview
The Regulation (EU) 2024/2838, adopted on 23 October 2024, amends several existing EU regulations to reduce administrative burdens while ensuring effective market monitoring in fisheries, aquaculture, and certain vehicle approvals. The regulation specifically targets outdated reporting requirements:
Regulation (EU) No 1379/2013: Updates marketing standards reporting in fisheries by removing obligations from Article…
Decree of the President of Ukraine on the Delegation for Negotiations with the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
This act establishes a delegation for negotiations on concluding a Financing Agreement for the "Support of Public Expenditures" Project. The Minister of Finance of Ukraine is authorized to sign this agreement. The delegation includes representatives from…
No new decisions were published today
No updates of law bills.
Commission Regulation (EU) 2024/2828: Fisheries Closure for Herring
This regulation establishes a fisheries closure for herring in specific maritime areas for vessels flying the French flag due to the exhaustion of the 2024 quota. It prohibits French vessels from fishing for herring in areas 6b, 6aN, and the UK and international waters of 5b from…
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1251 dated November 1, 2024
The resolution introduces amendments to the resolutions from 2004 and 2022 regarding scientific objects that are national heritage. In particular, the names of organizations owning collections of strains and herbariums have been changed. This facilitates the updating of information about the…
No new legal acts were published today
No new legal acts were published today
No new legal acts were published today
No new legal acts were published today
No new decisions were published today
**Two bills have been registered:**
**12178** [Draft Law on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding the Implementation of Assessment of Daily Functioning of an Individual](
**Initiative Subject:** Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
**12177** [Draft Law on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine to Ensure the Needs of Territorial Communities in Passenger Transport during…
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2024/2835
This regulation establishes standardized templates for transparency reports required from providers of intermediary services and online platforms as per the Digital Services Act. It mandates reports to be machine-readable and accessible, enhancing transparency in the online environment.
Commission Regulation (EU) 2024/2826 - Fisheries Closure for Greenland Halibut
The regulation enforces a…
Description of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1242 dated November 1, 2024
This resolution amends paragraph 11 of the Procedure for concluding, amending, and terminating the contract for medical services to the population under the medical guarantees program. It specifies that the list of conditions for concluding the contract is…
Digest of Legislative Acts
Digest of Legislative Acts of Ukraine
Amendments to the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code
The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has adopted as a basis a draft law that enhances the procedure for conducting criminal proceedings under martial law. The draft, submitted by Member of Parliament Ionushas S.K., adapts the criminal…
и матеріали справи, зазначив, що позивач надав достатні докази щодо наявності моральної шкоди, завданої його правам внаслідок дій державних органів. Суд підкреслив, що дії органів, що здійснюють оперативно-розшукову діяльність, та інших суб'єктів досудового розслідування, не відповідали вимогам законодавства, що призвело до порушення прав позивача.
У рішенні суду було вказано, що позивач має право на відшкодування моральної…
Overview of Recent EU Legislation
Overview of Recent EU Legislation
Commission Regulation (EU) 2024/2821
This regulation establishes a fisheries closure for the stock of ling in Norwegian waters for French-flagged vessels, due to quota exhaustion for 2024. It prohibits fishing activities for ling, while allowing certain actions for catches made before the closure, such as transshipping…
No new legal acts were published today