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Council Regulation (EU) 2024/3192 of 16 December 2024 amending Regulation (EU) No 833/2014 concerning restrictive measures in view of Russia’s actions destabilising the situation in Ukraine

This Council Regulation amends Regulation (EU) No 833/2014 concerning restrictive measures against Russia. The act introduces several important changes to the sanctions regime:The regulation adds 32 new entities to the list of persons and bodies subject to tighter export restrictions regarding dual-use goods and technology that could enhance Russia's defense and security sector. It also…

Council Implementing Regulation (EU) 2024/3183 of 16 December 2024 implementing Regulation (EU) No 269/2014 concerning restrictive measures in respect of actions undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine

This Council Implementing Regulation amends Regulation (EU) No 269/2014 by adding new persons and entities to the sanctions list related to actions undermining Ukraine's territorial integrity.The regulation adds 54 individuals and 30 entities to the EU sanctions list. The new designations include Russian military personnel involved in missile strikes on Ukrainian civilian infrastructure, business executives…

Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2024/3121 of 16 December 2024 amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/1378 as regards the recognition of certain control bodies in accordance with Article 46 of Regulation (EU) 2018/848 of the European Parliament and of the Council as competent to carry out controls and issue organic certificates in third countries for the purpose of imports of organic products into the Union

This Regulation amends the list of control bodies recognized to carry out controls and issue organic certificates for products imported into the EU from third countries. It is a technical document that updates Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/1378 by adding new control bodies and modifying existing ones.The Regulation adds six new control bodies to the list:…

Review of the EU legislation for 09/12/2024 – 16/12/2024

Baltic Sea Fishing Measures Two complementary regulations establish detailed technical requirements for fishing gear to reduce cod bycatch in the Baltic Sea. Three approved gear configurations are introduced: Roofless selection device with standard gear, modified T90 codend (125mm mesh), and square mesh codend. The measures aim to reduce cod bycatch by 55% and will apply…

Case No. 480/6738/24 dated 12/12/2024

The Court of Cassation Instance considered the issue of the lawfulness of returning an appellate complaint due to the alleged lack of authority of the tax authority's representative. The Supreme Court pointed out that the existence of limitations on a representative's powers (for example, regarding the right to withdraw a claim) does not deprive them…

Case No. 640/14829/21 dated 11/12/2024

Subject of the Dispute: Challenging a Tax Notification-Decision Reducing the Negative VAT Amount by 415,558 UAH. The court in rendering its decision was guided by the fact that disputes concerning the challenge of tax notification-decisions must be considered under administrative, rather than commercial court proceedings, even if bankruptcy proceedings have been initiated against the taxpayer. The…

Review of the EU legislation for 16/12/2024

Anti-dumping Duties on Indian Optical Fiber Cables The EU has imposed anti-dumping duties ranging from 6.9% to 11.4% on optical fiber cables imported from India, except for the HFCL Group. The measure requires valid commercial invoices and mandatory reporting of cable-km measurements for imports. Maritime Flag State Requirements Update The EU has updated requirements for maritime…

Directive (EU) 2024/3101 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2024 amending Directive 2005/35/EC as regards ship-source pollution and on the introduction of administrative penalties for infringements (Text with EEA relevance)

This Directive amends Directive 2005/35/EC on ship-source pollution and introduces a comprehensive system of administrative penalties for pollution offences from ships. The act aims to incorporate international standards on pollution from ships into EU law and ensure effective penalties for illegal discharges of polluting substances.The Directive expands the scope of regulated polluting substances to include…

Directive (EU) 2024/3099 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2024 amending Directive 2009/16/EC on port State control (Text with EEA relevance)

The Directive 2024/3099 amends the existing EU port State control system established by Directive 2009/16/EC. Here are the key aspects:The Directive updates and modernizes the port State control system in the EU by incorporating new international conventions, improving ship risk assessment methods, and enhancing inspection procedures. It aims to ensure ships calling at EU ports…

Case No. 686/1699/20 dated 02/12/2024

The subject of the dispute concerns the possibility of recovering procedural expenses from a person who was released from criminal liability due to the expiration of statute of limitations. The court, when rendering its decision, was guided by the fact that civil liability (including reimbursement of procedural expenses) does not violate the presumption of innocence,…

Review of the EU legislation for 14/12/2024

Here's a review of the three legal acts: Mali Sanctions Update The EU has updated its sanctions list concerning Mali, modifying information about three individuals: Ismaël Wagué, Choguel Maïga, and Ibrahim Ikassa Maïga. These persons remain subject to asset freezes due to their involvement in the 2020 coup, obstruction of the political transition, and recent denunciation…

Commission Regulation (EU) 2024/3118 of 10 December 2024 amending Regulation (EU) No 1408/2013 on the application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to de minimis aid in the agriculture sector

This Regulation amends the rules for de minimis state aid in the agricultural sector of the EU. It increases the ceiling for aid that a single undertaking may receive to EUR 50,000 over any 3-year period and extends the validity of the regulation until December 31, 2032. The national caps for cumulative aid are set…
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