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On Approval of the Strategy for Forming a System of Transition from Military Service to Civilian Life for the Period until 2033 and Approval of the Operational Plan of Measures for its Implementation in 2025-2027

This document approves the Strategy for Forming a System of Returning Military Personnel to Civilian Life for the period until 2033 and the operational plan for its implementation for 2025-2027.

The Strategy is aimed at creating a comprehensive system of reintegration of military personnel into civilian life after discharge from service. It covers issues of psychological support, medical rehabilitation, employment, education, social adaptation, and economic independence of veterans.

The main provisions of the Strategy include:

  • Creation of an institutional and legislative framework for the system of return to civilian life
  • Ensuring coordination between various authorities and service providers
  • Implementation of service provision standards and monitoring of their quality
  • Establishing a network of veteran development centers and veteran spaces
  • Introduction of the institute of veteran support specialists
  • Development of economic support and employment mechanisms

The implementation of the Strategy is planned in three stages until 2033, with a phased introduction of all system elements. The document also contains a detailed operational plan of measures for 2025-2027 with specific tasks and indicators of their implementation.

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